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Philosophy and Culture

Koptseva, N. P., Lozinskaya, V. P., Makhonina, A. A. The Problem of Cultural Values and its Solution in Heinrich Rickert’s Philosophy

Abstract: The article contains a review of modern Russian researches devoted to categorical analysis and philosophical-cultural research of the terms ‘value’ and ‘cultural value’. The topic about cultural values is proved to be important for our modern Russian philosophy of culture and theory of culture. According to the author of the article, it would be perspective to conduct the kind of researches that would search for the solution of the axiological crisis of modern Russian culture. The author also makes an assumption that Heinrich Rickert’s philosophy of culture could help to find the conceptual and methodological grounds for the supposition that cultural values are the priority in all spheres of existence of a modern Russian society. The author also points out that cultural values have a transcendental existence in culture.


cultural studies, cultural values, ideals, axiology, Heinrich Rickert, methodology of culture, methods, humanitarian sciences, theory of culture, individualizing method.

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