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International relations

Manoylo, A.V. Managing psychological warfare

Abstract: The article includes the formulae of the two key concepts for the implementation of state policy in the conditions of psychological warfare: resistance to the psychological warfare and managing psychological warfare The concept of psychological warfare management includes activities changing the systemic quality of the warfare in the needed direction with the use of the instruments of foreign political influence, and it is based upon the principle, that what one cannot overcome, one should organize and lead. The practical application of this concept allows the state politics to achieve the goals, which cannot be achieved within the framework of the resistance concept, and it changes the existing understanding of the criteria and level of danger in the modern information and psychological warfare. In the opinion of the author, managing information and psychological warfare shall become an important activity for the government bodies in the special conditions in the nearest future within the system of state information policy.


political science, international relations, foreign policy, national security, psychological warfare, information warfare, psychological operations, management, conflict, the USA.

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