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Actual problems of Russian law

Zakharov, V.V. Legal clinic within the structure of academic training of lawyers in Russia in XIX — early XX centuries

Abstract: The article is concerned with the genesis of the legal clinic as a way of formation of practical skills of law students In the pre-Revolution Russia. The author shows the birthing of the idea of legal clinic in the middle of XIX century and the first forms of its implementation within the context of development of legal education as a while and practical training of students. Legal clinic had held a special place among various types of practical studies. It served as a polygon for the development of professional competence of lawyers in real situations. It was thanks to the efforts of D.I. Meyer and A. Lyublinsky that all of the key issues regarding organization and functioning of legal clinic were established. One also should note the correlation between the transfer to the model of practical legal education and the actualization of the legal clinical education within the structure of academic training of lawyers. The author also shows the causes for the insufficient spread of the tendency of legal clinics, which was due to the continental tradition of legal training, which was general, rather than specialized. Based on the skills provided through the training a legal theoretician or a lawyer judge was formed.


jurisprudence, education, clinic, legal, university, lawyer, training, legal studies, the By-Law, justice.

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