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Bazhenov, A. A., Cherniatyeva, V. G. Methodological Grounds of Business Valuation

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the modern state of valuation activities in the Russian Federation and views both legislative and methodological problems directly related to business valuation. The author evidently shows that there is a need in using an independent method of business valuation as an efficient instrument of managing a company in the system of national economy. The author also describes the structure and analyzes valuation methods, the latter including a significant number of different approaches to valuating the cost of a company. The author proves that it is necessary to improve existing valuation methods and develop (or improve) economic instruments so that they would cover all the numerous issues related to business valuation. At the same time, the author notes that the concept of economic profit can be used as the basis for creating new models and business valuation methods which would take into account the system approach.


assessment, cost, business, method, complex, advantage, disadvantage, activity, model.

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