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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rudnev, V. P. Modal Typology of Mental Diseases

Abstract: The article provides a modal typology of mental diseases based of classical psychoanalytical ideas introduced by Freud, in particular, the ideas he shared when describing Dora’s, Rattenman’s and Wolf Man’s cases. The author of the present article views the triad ‘neurosis – borderline disorder – psychosis’ that is based on the modal operator ‘it is real that’. The author also uses Crow’s hypothesis about schizophrenia being the pay for using the arbitrary language. There are people who are commonly called ‘normal’ at one end of the psychic continuum, while those at the other end are called psychotics. Normal people have less ‘schizophrenic’ features unlike psychotics. A normal person still has the schizophrenic feature because he uses the arbitrary language – the language in which words and denoted items are not alike.


psychology, modality, psyche, reality, Freud, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, Bleurer, Crow, psychosis.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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