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Administrative and municipal law

Belousova, E. V. Concerning the Relation Between the Notions ‘Competence’, ‘Powers’ and ‘Area of Authority’

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the relation between the notions ‘competence’, ‘powers’ and ‘area of authority’ in connection with the functioning of the local self-government authorities as the bodies of public authority. The author describes various approaches of modern authors to interpreting the aforesaid terms and defines the structure and contents of such notions as ‘competence’, ‘powers’ and ‘area of authority’. The author also studies the legal provisions of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 on General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation’ as amended and supplemented. The author points out the different classifications of powers and areas of authority of local agencies in the Russian Federation.


competence, powers, area of responsibility, local self-government, municipal unit, local authorities.

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