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Administrative and municipal law

Sumachev, A. V. About the ‘Lost’ Principle of Legality in Administrative Offences Legislation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the legality principle. Based on constitutional provisions and provisions of administrative offences laws the author defies the principle of legality and its contents. It is shown that the administrative offences law is quite imperfect when it comes to definition of this principle so the author makes suggestions on how to improve it. The author also studies the experience of criminal law theorists and law makers in the sphere of administrative offences. It is also established that the grounds for administrative responsibility is created by the commitment of an action that has all the signs of an administrative offence. It is also shown that the wrongful action and its penalty is regulated only by the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation and administrative offences laws of the Russian Federation constituents.


law principles, legality, legal enforcement, promulgate a law, legal analogy, administrative violation, administrative offence contents.

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