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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Nenilin K.K. Rules as a Major Source of Legal Regulation of Parliamentary Control in Bulgaria


Respublika Bolgariya, Narodnoe Sobraniya Respubliki Bolgarii, Konstitutsionnyi sud Respubliki Bolgarii, Ierarkhiya normativnykh aktov, Yuridicheskaya sila normativnykh aktov, Parlamentskoe pravo, Reglament.

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1. Pravilnik za organizatsiyata i deynostta na Narodnoto s'branie Obn. DV, br. 58 ot 27.07.2009 g. // Rezhim do-stupa: http://www.parliament.bg/bg/rulesoftheorganisations — Zagl. s ekrana.
2. Reshenie ¹ 7 po konstitutsionno delo ¹ 5 ot 2010 g., Obn., DV, br. 42 ot 04.06.2010 g. // 3) Rezhim dostupa: http://www.constcourt.bg/Pages/Document/default.aspx?ID=1436 — Zagl. s ekrana.
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