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Philosophy and Culture

Goncharova, S. Yu. Simple Solution of the ‘Complicated Problem’ (Critics of John Searle’s Solution of the Mind- Body Problem)

Abstract: The article provides arguments for B. Kaplan’s and T. Nagel’s critical remarks about John Searle’s solution of the mind-body problem. Searle explained the cause of the mental based on the emergence conception. From such point of viwe, subjectivity of the reality is transformed into a biologial or physical property so the mind becomes a mental and, consequently, a physical property of the brain similar to the liquid state being the property of the molecular system. As opposed to Searle’s thesis saying that the mind is the product of the brain activity and its property at the same time, the author of this particular article analyzes arguments against such concept both in science and philosophy.


philosophy, consciousness, mind, John Searle, causality, feature, description level, dualism, psyche, physical.

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