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Philosophy and Culture

Trunov, D. G. Diversified ‘Self’: from Transformation to Mask Making

Abstract: The author of the article tries to view philosophical and anthropological terms ‘transformation’ and ‘mask’ introduced by Elias Canetti from the point of view of existential phenomenological concept of diversified ‘Self’ (D. G. Trunov). Transfer from transformation to mask making is understood as a discursive fixation of diversity and spontaneity of the productive ‘Self’ and resulting polypersonality of empiric ‘Self’. Fixation of transformations of the productive Self to numerous mask roles of the empiric Self is realized through mandatory presence of the Other which in this case becomes the controller over transformations and the donor of social definitions that are viewed as some kind of ‘fixers’ in transformation process and the basis for creating a social mask. At the same time, mask making is not the dictate of the Other over personality freedom but an essential condition of social co-existence.


philosophy, transformation, mask, productive Self, empiric Self, polypersonality, diversified Self, mask making, discourse, fixation.

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