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Police activity

Beketov M. Y., Samoroka V. A. Assessment of threats addressed at one of the parties of the criminal court proceedings before having recourse to safety measures

Abstract: according to Part 1 Article 16 of Federal Law from 20.08.2004 No 119-ÔÇ “About state protection of the victims, witnesses and other participants of the criminal legal proceedings” the reasons of implementation of the safety means stipulated in Article 6 of this law can be information proving real threat to the life of the person who is acting as a party in the criminal court proceedings, violence addressed at this person or destruction of their property. The article illustrates some examples of checking and assessment of seriousness of the threats addressed at the party of the criminal court proceedings, studies specificity of assessment of various types of threats. The authors substantiate the importance that the expert philologist takes part in interrogation of the party of the criminal court proceedings, because such a specialist can prove accuracy of the testimony.


party of the criminal court proceedings, investigator, safety measures, threat, psychic pressure, state protection, expert psychologist, revision, interrogation.

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