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Culture and Art

Devyatova, O. L. Dialogue of Cultures in Sergei Slonimsky’s New Music in Terms of Russia’s Issues in the ÕÕI Century

Abstract: The article is devoted to creative work by Sergei Slonimsky who managed the dialogue of cultures between Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, Ancient Russia and Russia’s cultural realities of early ÕÕI century. The author of the article studies the most important innovative compositions created in 2000 – 2010 (Requiem, the twenty Þ rst symphony from Goethe’s Faust, Witch Hazel Ballet) in which the composer raised the issues about national redemption, relations between an artist and government, opposition between mass and elite cultures, national identity and memory of culture.


cultural studies, culture centralism, dialogue of cultures, neo-Renaissance, neo-Baroque, neo- Romanticism, neo-folklorism, music, requiem, symphony.

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