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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Karpov, O. A. Epistemic Item and its Artifacts

Abstract: When studying the nature of social action it is becoming important to define universal epistemic constructs and symbolic mechanisms of their functioning, the latter is being behind the cognitive act including its psychocultural elements. The given article studies genesis of epistemic item as a system of cultural practices addressed to a particular issue. Its artifacts, i.e. epistemic collection and cultural implant, form universal epistemic constructs which serve as a matrix for any cognitive activity. They can also transfer knowledge through psychocultural element of cognitive act at a macro-social level. As for the epistemic item itself, it draws upon a functioning dispositive which is a form of institutionalization of cultural practices and the basis of their legitimacy and a generator of epistemic activity all in one. The start of epistemic genesis is defined through its epistemic function which is, being collective psychic force, enters the central zone of culture. The research is based in cultural and historical material and socio-cultural models of modern humanitarian studies.


psychology, social cognition, psychocultural semiosis, archetype, epistemic function, dispositive, epistemic item, epistemic collection, cultural implant, dogmat.

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