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Administrative and municipal law

Dubrovsky, O. N. Meaning of National Customs and Traditions in Building Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation: Case Study of the Tyva Republic

Abstract: The article is devoted to the need in keeping records of national and historical traditions, customs and local peculiarities of peoples in building modern self-government. Their records should be the priority because their secondary role would have a negative impact on efficient self-government of local communities. The article has been prepared based on the example of one of the Russian Federation constituents — Tyva Republic. This article will be of interest to university and high school students and everyone who is interested in the issues of local self-government.


national, customs, traditions, self-government, Tyva Republic, meaning, peculiarities, small-numbered people, Tuvnian.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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