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Philosophy and Culture

Gezalov, A. A. Manifestation of Socio-Cultural Contradictions in Non-Linear Globalizing World and Ways to Overcome Them

Abstract: The author of the article assumes that the problem of socio-cultural contradictions is one of the most important topics discussed by the world society and scientific community. Socio-cultural aspect of globalization as a complex socio-cultural process requires a special approach. If we study certain aspects of globalization in a framework of concrete disciplines, without taking into account the entire spectrum of socio-cultural transformations, it will lead to simplification and unilateral interpretation of one of the most complex phenomena which sources can be easily found in previous epochs but which influence on modern civilization has grown rapidly. Wide use of methods of integrated disciplines including global studies allows to take a new look at the efficiency of chosen guides. In this respect, considered opportunity to achieve certain forms of interaction between natural, social and cultural processes as conditions for further existence of the humankind may appear to be one of the basics. It shows that previous issues of philosophy and culture are growing more important today. However, it would be possible to describe the nature of the process of ‘condensation’ of interaction and entirety of the world, which also shows itself in agricultural and economic inter nationalization, intensification of information and communication connections, ethnocultural relations, only by the means of interdisciplinary research.


philosophy, globalization, culture, paradigm, socioculture, transformation, modernization, society, innovation, multiculturalism.

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