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Police activity

Kashkina E.V., Vorobjeva T.I. Issues in cooperation of the bodies of Internal Affairs with the election committees while preparation and execution of elections in the Russian Federation

Abstract: the article describes the mechanism of realization of one of the fundamental liabilities of police officers in the process of preparation of elections, referendum, fundamental issues of cooperation of the officers of the bodies of Internal Affairs with the members (representatives) of the election committees, and assistance.


democracy, sovereignty of the people, agitation, elections, referendum, committee, police, ballot, order, chairman, offence.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Rekomendatsii dlya izbiratel'nykh komissiy sub'ektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii po preduprezhde-niyu i presecheniyu narusheniy v sfere izgotovleniya i rasprostraneniya agitatsionnykh materi-alov v period izbiratel'nykh kampaniy, narusheniy v sfere informatsionnogo obespecheniya / I.B. Borisov, T.N. Bukhanova, D.Yu. Voronin, A.G. Golovin, V.I. Kaz'min, L.V. Kudryavtseva. — M.: RTsOIT, 2007.
2. Metodicheskoe posobie po okazaniyu organami vnutrennikh del sodeystviya izbiratel'nym komissi-yam v realizatsii ikh polnomochiy i provedenii vyborov organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti i organov mestnogo samoupravleniya / V.I. Butaev, V.P. Volkov, V.Ya. Shebunova. — M.: RTsOIT, 2007