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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Dubovitsky, V. V. Phenomena of Fears and Respect in Edmund Berg’s and Immanuel Kant’s Sublime Aesthetics (Comparative Study)

Abstract: The phenomena of the beautiful and sublime (which distinguished feature was defined in the 18th century) require completely different methods of description both in nature and art. Comparative study of Kant’s and Berg’s sublime esthetics allows to understand both the difference and relation between empiric, psychological, philosophical and sensational method of description and analysis of aesthetic phenomena introduced by Berg and transcendental, metaphysical method introduced by Kant. Main attention is focused on the feelings of fear and respect because, based on the author, these feelings play the crucial role in Kant’s interpretation of the sublime. This allows to clarity the closest bond between the moral and esthetic consciousness. In this connection, the author of the article views the intentional structure of the feeling of respect as an analogue of the aesthetical feeling of the sublime. Modern aesthetics still need to clarify psychological and transcendental (metaphysical) grounds of the aesthetic feeling of the sublime. Sublime aesthetics appear to be especially important in the context of conceptualization of the practice of post-classical art.


psychology, fear, inclination, displeasure, sublimation, self-submission, respect, imagination, mind, sublime.

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