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Politics and Society

Morozov, N. V. The Role of European Court in the Mechanism of Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Human and Citizen

Abstract: The article is devoted to the role of European court in the mechanism of protection of rights and freedoms of human and citizen. The author analyzes the international and legal legislative acts on protection of rights and freedoms through the system of international justice. The author makes an attempt to cast light on current issues of implementation of the European Court decisions, enforcement of responsibilities of the Russian Federation to comply with the human rights as well as to trace further tendencies and development of mechanisms of protection of rights and freedoms where the Russian citizens play an important role, too. It is concluded that the main task of the Russian state institution is not to ‘avoid’ sanctions but to make the human rights legislation comply with the international standards.


studies of law, constitutional, mechanism, protection, right, human, European, court, decision, appeal.

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