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Politics and Society

Leshukova, E. V. The Terror of Civil War in the South and East of Russia in Russian Emigre Memoirs of the 1920th – 1930th

Abstract: Many people have painful memoirs about the bitterness of Civil war of 1917-1921 years. Participants of the White movement created memoirs about Civil war terror. R.B. Gul, A.I. Denikin, P.N. Vrangel, A.S. Lukomskiy, V.M. Krasnov, V.V. Shulgin and other authors wrote about terror of 1917-1921 in their memoirs. All the authors demonstrated the exterior side of Civil war terror. They represented forms and methods of terror vividly. And they told about terror victims too. But all the foreign authors from Russian origin gave evidences of cruelty of only one side – the Red side. But the didn’t much wrote about the White movement terror. The book by R.B. Gul “Dzerzhinskiy. Beginning of terror” exaggerated the Red terror especially. So the myth of terror of 1917-1921 was born, but it is not the real picture of the Civil war.


terror, terror victims, Civil war, exterior side, memoirs, White movement.

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