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Administrative and municipal law

Sokolov, O. S . Municipal Law-Making in the Sphere of Information

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of legal grounds defining the borders of municipal regulation of information-based relations and established practice of municipal law-making in the sphere of information based on the example of urban and municipal districts. The author of the article makes certain conclusions regarding administrative law nature of municipal law-making in the sphere of information. The author also suggests that the Federal Law ‘On General Principles of Organization of the Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation’ should specify the unified volume of law-making powers granted to executive and representative authorities of local government in this sphere. It would allow to reduce the risk of development of information inequality of municipal units and t o ensure the consistency of informatization processes.


information, competence, law-making, legal relations, municipal, local, powers, charter, regulation, site, domain.

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