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Politics and Society

Makarova, M. V. Topical Issues of Innovation Development of Russia. Strategy 2020

Abstract: Russia’s transfer to the innovation-based development as well as covering the technology gap between Russia and advanced countries has become especially important under conditions of overcoming the consequences of the global crisis. The article describes the most important issues of Russia’s innovation development at the current post-crisis stage. It is underlined that in order to solve these issues, we need to maintain an active coordination between the government, business and society as a part of one innovation policy. The author of the article analyzes the Strategy of Innovation Development of the Russian Federation until 2020 ‘Innovative Russia -2020’ which concretizes provisions of the innovation section of the Conception of Long Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020.


political science, innovations, problems, state institution, innovation development, innovation policy, innovation strategy, national innovation system, innovativeness, leadership.

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