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Philosophy and Culture

Bogdan, S. S. Complex Analysis of Destructiveness in Abraham Maslow’s Humanistic Conception

Abstract: The article analyzes Abraham Maslow’s humanistic approach to studying human destructiveness. Maslow offered an integrated approach t o s tudying human b ehavior and s howed t hat human destructiveness is not an instinct but a multi-factor phenomenon and human beings are capable of greater deeds than wars, prejudices and hatred. One of the most important reasons of human destructiveness is a blocked selfactualization or self-realization which can be caused by one of t he following: f rustrated b asic needs (such as a need in respect by others, safety and love); personal fixation on the needs of the lower level (physiological); and unfavorable socio-cultural conditions. If, a normal self-actualization through love, creative activity or spirituality is impossible for any reason, it can be replaced by the self-actualization through destructive behavior.


philosophy, destructiveness, aggression, humanism, multiple-factor, self-actualization, needs, behavior, integrity, frustration.

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