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Philosophy and Culture

Zapesotsky, A. S. Vyacheslav Stepin and His Theory of Culture. Part 4 (Final)

Abstract: the article studies various aspects of V. S. Stepin’s theory of culture which are devoted to the analysis of modern times. Globalization is viewed as a special state of culture, which creates certain risks and at the same time, new perspectives of interaction between cultures. Supreme role of economics in an industrial civilization is described as one of the factors of the environmental crisis. Refusal from excessive consumption and creation of new values are thought to be the way out of this situation. The article also describes V. S. Stepin’s views on cultural studies which he views as an independent science bringing together the structure and dynamics of culture.


cultural studies, globalization, dialogue of cultures, crisis of culture, industrial civilization, environmental crisis, popular culture of, new type of civilization development.

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