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Administrative and municipal law

Karpov, Ya. S. Competence Federal Service for Narcotics Control in the Sphere of Enforcement of License Compliance and Inspections of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.

Abstract: One of the key areas of current state policy is minimization of interference of a state institution with entrepreneurship activity. In this article the author views certain challenges of enforcement of a new principle issued by the Federal Law ‘On Protection of Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs when Carrying out State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control’ from December 26, 2008. As a result of the analysis of the Russian Federation law, the author makes certain assumptions about a legal collision hindering state control (supervision) bodies from full and effective performance of their functions. The author also suggests certain ways to overcome this collision and optimize activities by state control (supervision) bodies.


state institution, control (supervisory) authorities, inspections, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, license requirements, regulatory requirements, powers, collision

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