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Philosophy and Culture

Fedotova, V. G. Democratic Consolidation, Basic Theories of Solidarity and Conceptions of Solidaristic Practices.

Abstract: The article is devoted to democratic consolidation, basic theories of solidarity and conceptions of solidarity practices. The author of the article defines the basic terms used in the article from the point of view of the theory and everyday life. The article has two sections. The first section ‘Transitology as a variant of the modernization theory oriented at democratic consolidation’ views the term ‘consolidation’ in accordance with its meaning in transitology, - a variant of the modernization theory simplified to recognition of democracy and the market. There consolidation is viewed as the final stage of the democracy transit. The second section ‘Consolidation, solidarity and solidaristic practices’ covers concrete theories of solidarity and solidarism.


philosophy, consolidation, solidarity, dialogue, convention, modernization, environment of concord, saturation, crisis, democracy

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