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Philosophy and Culture

Rostova, N. N. Pavel Florensky’s Project of Philosophical Anthropology (in the Light of Conception of ‘Russian Cosmism’ and Gilles Deleuze’s Uranus Philosophy)

Abstract: The article reconstructs the project of philosophical anthroplogy by Pavel Florensky. The author considers such aspects of human nature as corporeity, sex, difference between face, image and cover as well as difference between body, conscience and organism. Analyzing Florensky’s theory of corporeity the author draws a parallel between Florensky’s theory and Gilles Deleuze’s and ‘Russian cosmists’ philosophies. Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy is shown as very similar to the revelations of the Russian philosophy


philosophy, body, conscience, Florenksy, Deleuze, Russian cosmism, Ukhtomsky, projection of organs, body without organs, face

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