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Philosophy and Culture

Gogotishvili, L. A. ‘Positional Polytropia’ as a Core Principle of Losev’s Theory of Communication

Abstract: The author discussed grounds for the hypothesis that many concepts of language in Russian philosophy appeared as a result of a sharp and still on-going crisis of language making us doubt the possibility of an adequate understanding of words. These conceptions differ in concrete principles of text formation but have the same strategy of overcoming the language crisis. In comparison to Bakhtin’s, Florensky’s and Schpet’s theories of language, the author described A. Losev’s theory of ‘positional polytropia’ as a core principle of text formation. According to the author, Losev’s theory was made to provide adequateness and wholeness of communication.


language crisis, principles of text formation, polyphony, polyrolism, polycyclia, polytropia, multi-layered, multi-vectored

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