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Articles for subcribers only

Tat'yana Solov'eva Tynevil' – izobretatel' chukotskogo pis'ma
Published in journal "History Illustrated", ¹ 11, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1812-867X.2014.11.65616

Mariya Kramm Karl fon Simens: ot prusskogo inzhenera do russkogo dvoryanina
Published in journal "History Illustrated", ¹ 11, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1812-867X.2014.11.65615

Gennadii Evgrafov Budda: prorok i uchitel'
Published in journal "History Illustrated", ¹ 11, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1812-867X.2014.11.65614

Dmitrii Borovkov Genii Vozrozhdeniya – Leonardo da Vinchi. Chast' I. V masterskoi Verrokk'o
Published in journal "History Illustrated", ¹ 11, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1812-867X.2014.11.65613

Rostova N.N. Ambivalence of the Sacred and the Fear of God
Published in journal "Philosophy and Culture", ¹ 6, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.6.65124

The author of the article analyzes the relation between the two phenomena, the phenomenon of the sacred and the fear. The author describes the two strategies of understanding fear. The first strategy is related to the psychological definition of fear and postulates the ambivalence of the sacred experience. The second strategy is related to the mystical understanding of fear that excludes the problem of contradictory attraction to and fear of the sacred. Psychological fear means that fear is viewed as an affect or a sensual response. This kind of fear is related to the flee strategy. Quite on the contrary, mystic fear is more of an ‘attraction to’ rather than a ‘fee from’. According to the author, psychological definition of fear and the concept of the ambivalent sacred experience involves the concept of the immanent human with the adventurous personality and influences all the following conceptualization of the sacred, in particular, ideas about the blood and the relation between the sacred and the world or the sacred and the affect. Noteworthy that the first strategy is typical for the European tradition and the second strategy is more common for the Russian tradition.

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