Citations count: 8
Frolov A., Golubinskii A., Kutakov S. —
Web-GIS «Drawings of the Russian State of the 16-17th Centuries» (
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 75 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0891.2017.1.22025 URL:
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The study aims at a web-GIS that has been publicly-accessible since the early 2017.The article describes the sources used, the algorithm of their processing, the software, the structure of GIS-project attribute table, the ways to geocode digital copies of drawings as well as the methods of closer linking of drawing’s image to a location. Web-interface is characterized as well. It lets a user work with the resource through any browser with the help of scaling and navigation tools, text search, reading of selected object attributes, variation of raster transparence and choice of cartographic underlay. The article also describes the possibilities to address the initial attribute table and its lookup and view undeformed (not geocoded) large-scale drawing image (including the possibility to scale, move and rotate an object). In spite of different techniques of drawings execution as well as their different purpose and origin, the drawings studied are rather good at describing historic reality. This provides for considering a set of drawings as a document complex that can undergo general procedures of online publishing. The technologies used are mainly based on the employment of “open” software (from creation of desktop version of GIS-project to spatial libraries used to visualize web-versions). Optimization of web-GIS work mainly relates to minimization of traffic between a server and a client. To do this the work is organized so that downloading of all raster and most of vector objects starts only after the client’s computer sends a user query for a definite object to the server. The main result of the study is a free Internet access to the complex of Russian drawings of the 16th-17th centuries. The number of cartographic drawings totals 1000 and most of them have good images. 49 drawings have been found that had been left out by V.S. Kusov’s catalogue. Over 700 drawings have been linked to a locality and 140 have not been localized yet. An original method to localize a territory shown on the drawing on the map has been developed.
Citations count: 6
Valetov T. —
Project «The Russian Empire Foreign Trade Statistics»: Source and Digital Resource Description
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 5 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0891.2017.1.22195 URL:
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The article describes a new online project presenting the statistics of the Russian Empire foreign trade in 1896–1917. The project has electronic tables with data on exports and imports throughout the period understudy and some parameters can boast a longer time period. In particular, it is the first time when consolidated time series has been published that cover the volume of foreign trade with all the countries and regions throughout the whole registration period (since 1827). The souce problems are adressed as well. Statistics of the project and the structure of on-line tables are discribed in detail. This online project is the first step to publish the consolidated statistics of the Russian Empire foreign trade. These statistics were published annually and their study involves time series analysis. In 1902 a book of collected statisctics was published, but it requires substantial amendments which haven't been done since. Now this work is planned to be completed and data tables are already available on the project website.
Citations count: 5
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Scholarly Publishing of Historical Documents in an Electronic Environment: Problems of Source Studies and Archeography
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 125 - 139.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0891.2017.1.21766 URL:
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The study focuses on the problems related to the publishing of electronic copies of archival documents in an electronic environment. Emphasis is laid on the adequacy, representativeness and credibility of both the electronic copy and the accompanying descriptions: archeographically deployed complete description of the original document and a description of the electronic copy as an independent object. The author considers the international experience in electronic publishing of historical document copies, the use of standards (formats) of bibliographic (MARC-based) and archival (EAD) descriptions as well as electronic image description standards (MOD, METS, FITS). To study this problem the author has employed historical-comparative, historical and typological methods providing for the analysis of pros and cons of the approaches addressed. Scientific novelty of the paper is in the problem of creation and development of a new domain of applied historical research - archeography in an electronic environment. This domain is interdisciplinary as it has to combine traditional methods and techniques of source studies, desk archeography, edition archeography, paleography, filigranology, etc. with technical methods of digitization (graphic image creation), description of electronic copies (files) and provision of their adequacy to original documents in the process of publication, storage and use.
Citations count: 5
Garskova I.M. —
The "Digital Turn" in Historical Research: Long-term Trends
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 57 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.3.31251 URL:
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The article studies the relationship of several areas associated with over 50 years that quantitative methods and information technologies in humanitarian and historical research have been in use. Firstly, it is historical information science, its structure and content, which have evolved in the domestic model of this interdisciplinary domain and “historical computing” and its specificity in the European model. Secondly, these are similar areas of general humanities. Thirdly, these are relatively new fields which are more popular in the West such as digital humanities and digital History. Having analyzed Russian and foreign historiography the author studies methodological, methodical and technological issues of the formation and development of these areas, their evolutionary stages and possible prospects for the future. The results of the analysis show the dominance of the general trends of these fields both in Russia and Europe at the initial stages and their divergence over the past 15 years which is caused by the differences in their subject areas and varying degree of influence exerted by quantitative history in the 1960s-1980s.
Citations count: 5
Soloshchenko N. —
Formation of the “New” USSR Food Industry Worker in 1928-1937. Comparative Content Analysis of Branch and General Circulation Periodicals
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 11 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.35525 URL:
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The article discusses the developing of correct methodological approaches to compare the content of the USSR food industry branch and general circulation newspapers related to the formation of the “new worker” in 1925-1937. Analyzing branch newspaper “Pishchevik” (“Za pishchevuyu industriyu”, “Pishchevaya industriya”) and general circulation newspapers “Babaevets” (Babaev confectionery factory), “Nasha Pravda” (Krasnyi Oktyabr' confectionery factory) and “Za Boievye Tempy” (Rot Front confectionery factory) by means of MAXQDA program, the author concludes about the equal focus of these newspapers on the formation of the “new worker” who was expected to fulfill the tasks to develop food industry and industrialize the USSR. The "new worker" of general circulation papers is a young lady striving to become a competent and full-fledged participant in production processes, social and party life. The branch newspaper of food industry portrayed the youth, production leaders, shock workers, Stakhanovites and Komsomol members as the "new worker". Differences in the main features of the "new worker’s" image between the branch and general circulation periodicals tell us about the specific feature of the target audience of these periodicals. The confectionary factories were dominated by females whereas males were prevalent in food industry as a whole.
Citations count: 5
Karagodin A.V. —
Historical Thematic Website “Simeiz. Guide to Old Dachas”: Stages of Development and Research Prospects
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 143 - 157.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.1.32009 URL:
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The article summarizes preliminary results related to the development and operation of historical thematic website “Simeiz. Guide to Old Dachas”. The website was created by the author and his colleagues in 2019 as a part of a workshop at the Department of Source Studies of the Lomonosov Moscow State University History Faculty. The workshop aimed at studying the history of the southern coast of Crimea in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The stages and preliminary results of this work are considered in the context of current discussions about the “digital turn” in history. The author analyses the reasons for creating the historical website, its structure, development stages, specific features of its content, database creation and crowdsourcing. It is stated that the website development was the first important step of the whole research project, its “driver”. Moreover, besides a new form of historical knowledge dissemination, the work on the site provided for setting new source and analytical tasks that is to increase the information impact of sources and get new opportunities for processing the electronic database. These results may be of interest to historians who run similar historical projects.
Citations count: 5
Borodkin L., Gerasimova Y.N. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Historical Manor Complexes: Cooperation of Historians and Archivists, Project Activity of Students
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 103 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.34273 URL:
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The article aims at characterizing the joint project of archivists and historians, the Main Archive of Moscow Oblast and Moscow State University. The project virtually reconstructs historical manors using 3D modeling technologies on the basis of archival materials. The paper briefly examines the evolution of dvoryanstvo manors in the 18th - early 19th centuries, their role in the formation of rural society and their culture as well as the manors’ state at present when most of the remaining manors are in ruins. The article formulates three principles that should be observed when choosing objects for their virtual reconstruction. The author shows the optimal set of sources for solving the problems of such projects. These are, first of all, graphic and text sets of design and restoration documentation which was created for restoration work in the second half of the twentieth century including dimensional drawings, opinion of engineers on the state of structures, draft restoration projects, working drawings for strengthening structures, etc.) as well as albums of photographs characterizing the current state of the object. The final part of the article describes the project work of students to virtually reconstruct five historical manors of Moscow Oblast which are objects of cultural heritage of federal or regional significance.
Citations count: 4
Filippova V.V. —
Dynamics of settlement and population of Anabar district: spatial analysis using GIS technologies
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.4.34640 URL:
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The subject of the study is the location and population of the Anabar ulus in dynamics. The purpose of the study is to study the dynamics of the number and settlement of the population of the area under consideration using GIS technologies. The author conducted a study based on archival, statistical and cartographic sources. Verification of the reconstruction of the settlement network was carried out during field research in Anabarsky ulus in September 2020. The results of the work are presented by thematic layers in the GIS developed by the author, reflecting the dynamics of settlement from 1926 to 2020. The attribute tables contain data on the population, information about the location of settlements. Â The novelty of the study consists in the reconstruction of the settlement of the population of the Anabar district from 1926-2020 on the basis of multi-time maps and census data. It is established that as a result of the policy of transferring the nomadic population to a sedentary lifestyle and the enlargement of farms carried out during the Soviet period, there was a decrease in the number of settlements, while an increase in the population of settlements is traced. The compiled maps demonstrate a decrease in the area of population settlement in the territory of the studied area. A number of research sources are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time and are used in the analysis of the settlement and population of the studied area.
Citations count: 4
Soloshchenko N. —
1933 Soviet Food Industry Problems as Described in Factory Press (Content-Analysis of Mass-Circulation Newspapers “Za Boevye Tempy” and “Nasha Pravda”)
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 78 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.24841 URL:
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The article studies how Soviet food industry problems were described in mass-circulation press of this branch during the 1933 crisis year. The author compares ideological, production and social issues in mass-circulation newspapers by Red Oktyabr’ and Rot Front confectionery factories. Interaction between two content layers of these periodicals is studied as well. Emphasis is laid on general and distinctive features of the way problems were described as well as the extent certain issues of mass-circulation newspapers of different enterprises were typical to. New research technique has been developed and employed to analyze mass-circulation newspapers with the help of MAXQDA program. The computer based content-analysis lets the author conclude that in the crisis situation of the first year of the second Pyatiletka (Five-Year Plan) mass-circulation newspapers were used to socially mobilize workers and draw their attention away from that situation. Social and production problems taken together were more common in the papers than ideological ones. However, attempts to form a positive reality relate to qualitative rather than quantitative aspect of propaganda in food industry mass-circulation newspapers.
Citations count: 4
Borodkin L. —
Review of the Book by Shchapova Yu.L. and Grinchenko S.N. “Introduction into the Theory of the Archeological Epoch: Numerical Modeling and Logarithmic Scales of Spatiotemporal Data”. – M.: The History Faculty of Moscow State University, the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Computer
Science and Management”, 2017. -236 pages. – (Works of the History Faculty of MSU, Issue. 97. Series II, Historical Studies, 51).
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 109 - 112.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25964 URL:
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The author considers the main achievements and discussion points of the monograph which proposes the principles of chronology and periodization of the archaeological epoch, its generalized numerical model combining the Fibonacci's and the informatics-cybernetics models.
The capabilities of inductive and deductive models are discussed. Numerical modeling is considered within the framework of the deductive approach. The universality of the mathematical model based on the Fibonacci series defining the "golden proportion" is noted. It is shown that the use of a multidisciplinary approach based on mathematical modeling of long-duration archaeological epochs allows us to consider it as a new concept of global history. The author discusses the problems of the monograph within the framework of the methodology of modeling historical processes and developing concepts of “Big history”. Consideration of the issues of periodization of long-duration processes is carried out within the context of their predictability, the relationship of regularities and randomness, mechanisms of self-organization and algorithms of "adaptive random search". The article concludes that it is important to estimate the moments of system information transformations within the framework of the Fibonacci model and emphasizes the role of this model for the formation of new hypotheses in historical and archaeological studies.
Citations count: 4
Kozykin A.V. —
A Technique to Evaluate Agricultural Landscape Changes on the Basis of GIS-Processed 1861 Demarcation Plans and Current Description of Kenozero National Park
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 221 - 232.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.2.35089 URL:
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In many Russian nature reserves traditional landscapes are objects of important historical and cultural heritage. To preserve and restore them one needs to deeply understand their development, formation and degradation processes. In the north of European Russia agricultural landscapes are often covered with forests and lose their features when agricultural activity decreases. However, structural characteristics of these forests as a rule tell us about their development and peculiarities of successions. The study aims at creating a technique to estimate the scope of former agricultural land development, model historical transformation of agricultural landscapes and identify plots of slash and burn, shifting, two and three field agriculture judging by structural characteristics of post-agrarian forests. Aided by GIS the study compares raster analogs of land demarcation plans of the second half of the 19th century and vector layers of present day forests with attributive data on the forest structure.
The use of cartographic forest data and inventory forest characteristics to compare with former land management documents related to the plot named have not been found in studies before. High precision of present day land management provides for permitted comparability with old demarcation plans and allows one to use inventory data for inter-landscape differentiation of agricultural landscapes in the 19th century. The study covers a model plot within Kenozero National Park (Arkhangelsk Region) addressing 1861 demarcation plans and 2014 forests GIS developed by Arkhangelsk branch of Roslesinforg. GIS processing of 19th century and present day demarcation plans provides for modeling agricultural landscape changes in relation to separate plots, trace the influence of soil conditions and elements of agrarian use on topological and inventory changes of emerging forests and reconstruct the biodiversity of ecosystems in the past.
Citations count: 4
Mironenko M., Chertopolokhov V., Belousova M. —
Virtual Reality Technologies and Universal 3D Reconstruction Interface Development
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 192 - 205.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.4.34671 URL:
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The article summarizes the results of a two-year study of the issues related to the virtual reality and augmented reality technologies use to virtually reconstruct Moscow Bely Gorod in the 16th-18th centuries. The authors describe mathematical methods, software and hardware which grant access to the historical reconstruction of historical urban landscapes. An important feature of the reconstruction is the source verification module which was used to construct three-dimensional models of the landscape, buildings and the general scenery. The article names the basic principles which the verification module and its interface are based on and considers some optimum problems solved when constructing the interface. The project uses a hybrid motion tracking system as a combination of optical and inertial data. The archival sources used in the reconstruction process are presented in the virtual environment by means of a 3D graphical user interface for the virtual reality. The information displayed is generated from the database of historical sources which includes information about the urban development and individual buildings of Bely Gorod, their parts, location, purpose, owners and construction date. The database contains both text and graphic historical sources. The results obtained also include new algorithms, software and hardware systems as well as the experiment results.
Citations count: 4
Valetov T. —
Free Map Services (Google, Yandex, OSM) for Creating historical GIS: Digital Map of the Trans-Siberian Railroad
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 19 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.3.36547 URL:
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The article describes technological aspects of digital historical map creation taking as an example the 1891–1916 Trans-Siberian Railroad map. The author faced two tasks. On the one hand, he wanted to create a historical GIS map in shapefile format; on the other hand his goal was to tell us about software tools and data which proved to be most suitable for solving the first task. Present day map services can be of use at the initial stage of digital map creation in case most of objects coincide with current ones. It is important however to know where discrepancies begin. The author studies various open access map services both corporate (Google, Yandex, Bing) and those created by many users on a crowd sourcing basis (OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia). He pays particular attention to work with Google Earth application which he considers to suit better than specialized GIS applications for the initial formation of a set of objects on the map (in this case, railway lines). The author compares open map services in particular those providing access to aerial (satellite) images of the Earth and addresses different kinds of cartographic systems properties as useful tools for historical GIS creation (satellite images, panoramic photos, the Wiki mode user comments, etc.).
Citations count: 3
Grebenchenko I.V. —
They Were the Chiefs: Content-Analysis of the Soviet Cosmonautics Founders’ Recollections
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 101 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.24999 URL:
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The article studies the formation of the “Council of Chief Designers” cooperation that was a collective body and an unofficial coordination center determining technical and methodical course the Soviet space branch followed (Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, Vladimir Pavlovich Barmin, Valentin Petrovich Glushko, Nikolai Alekseevich Pilyugin, Mikhail Sergeevich Ryazanskiy and Viktor Ivanovich Kuznetsov as well as Boris Evseevich Chertok and Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh). The author analyzes their relations and reveals the role of communication for this process on the basis of private sources (letters, diaries and recollections) by means of content-analysis and statistical analysis. The period understudy is the years before 1966 when the Council was in its first “Korolev” composition. In spite of the fact that Soviet and Russian cosmonautics can boast a period of over 60-year development, top secrecy has resulted only in official biographies of the Council members. Works studying them as people, individuals with their own traits, fate and relations have not been written yet.
Citations count: 3
Borodkin L. —
Bachelor, Master and PhD Students: Moscow State University Historical Information Science Educational Programs
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 115 - 125.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.2.26947 URL:
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The article analyzes the formation and the development of educational programs in the field of historical information science at the History Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The topicality of the issue is the growing demand for specialists in humanities who have professional experience in the expanding information environment. This demands further development of a relative component of historian’s education considering those innovations which characterize “digital shift” in historical studies. Development of this educational component provides history graduates with conspicuous advantages at modern intellectual labor market. The article systematically studies the structure of educational programs in this interdisciplinary field and characterizes the main scholarly work of the academic staff at the same time. This article is the first to provide a detailed description of historical information science educational programs realized in Lomonosov Moscow State University at all three levels of university education. The experience of the Department of Historical Information Science of Moscow University may be in demand in other universities as well.
Citations count: 3
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Source Base of Virtual Historical Reconstructions of Historical and Cultural Heritage Objects: Problem Setting
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 21 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.33473 URL:
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Virtual historical reconstructions being an actively developing branch of historical information science are characterized by a peculiar approach to source base formation and study. New complexes of sources used pose several methodological problems of source studies. The first one is the place of scientific and technical documents in classical classifications of source studies. The second one is the place of documents which were created electronically or digitized in source studies classifications. The third problem is the consideration of complex source studies methods (analysis and synthesis) in relation to specific features of different source types and their informational capabilities used to solve virtual historical reconstruction problems. The author proposes original solutions to the indicated problems based on the analysis of classification schemes of source studies existing in Russian historiography as well as the basic principles of identifying the types of historical sources proposed by L.N. Pushkareva, I.D. Kovalchenko, S.O. Sñhmidt, O.M. Medushevskaya, etc. She also specifies electronic documents (both digitized and initially electronic ones) within the framework of studying the possibilities to "embed" electronic documents into existing classifications of source studies as well as formulates new approaches to the methodology of source analysis highlighting a new stage in the development of source criticism: multidisciplinary source studies.
Citations count: 3
Antopolskii A.B., Volodin A.U. —
Information System on Digital Humanities: an experiment of describing the Internet resources of Russian archives
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 50 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.2.38236 EDN: HOVPGY URL:
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The article contains a description of the results of the inventory of the Internet resources of the Russian archives, carried out in order to create a reference and information system on digital humanities (CISG). The objects that together form the infosphere of this discipline are determined. The problem of detailing the level of resources in their accounting and cataloging is considered. The criteria for selecting specific resources that are interesting to the user are discussed. The structure of the database of the projected system is given. The issues of using languages for indexing information objects are discussed. The quantitative characteristics of the inventory are given. The CG system should ensure increased visibility, citation and reuse of digital humanities objects created in Russia. In this study, the resources of federal archives, state archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation presented on the Internet were studied, as well as departmental archives in a small number, if they have socio-humanitarian content. The management bodies of the archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation were included in the database if they have their own website hosting resources of interest. Archives with dominant technical or natural-scientific content were not included in the study. Also, at this stage, the resources of municipal archives were not considered. The study also identified the main methodological problems of accounting and cataloging of Internet resources that need to be solved.
Citations count: 3
Zakharov A.V., Frolov A. —
GIS “Spatial Mobility of the Szlachta under Peter the First” in a Prosopographic Study
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 206 - 218.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.4.34206 URL:
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The article discusses possibilities of geochronological tracking technology for studying the spatial mobility of social groups in Russia in the past. The GIS proposed is necessary to visualize and analyze spatial data in a prosopographic research of about 400 szlachta representatives in Peter’s Epoch. Spatial mobility is understood as the intensity of person's translocation through settlements and his ability to respond to external challenges by moving. The archival materials of the Senate inspection of the szlachta (1721-1723) served the basis for the study and the resource formation. Particular attention is paid to the design of software research tools – the PostgreSQL database and the web GIS based on the latter. It is the first time when geochronological tracking as a geoinformatics method was used to prosopographically study the Russian nobility. The methods of historical source spatial data representation and visualization are implemented in the form of a geodatabase that is publicly available. Two program modules (the GIS among them) grant a wide range of Internet users an access to historical sources text data as well as synchronically visualized data on the szlachta service under Peter the first. The authors conclude that it is promising to create a special web interface which provides users with flexible text and geodata filtering and analysis. The web project created can be used both for research in the field of social history, historical geography, genealogy and for educational purposes in such courses as “historical computer science” and “digital humanities”.
Citations count: 3
Vladimirov V.N., Krupochkin E.P. —
Cartographic Web-Resource "Trans-Siberian Railway": Sources and Development Technology
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 22 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.36885 URL:
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The article discusses the creation of a thematic resource on the history of the Trans-Siberian Railway using modern Web-GIS tools which will provide for accumulating source information collected during research and presenting it in a form accessible for researchers. The online GIS allows one to work with the materials named in several modes: interactive, tabular (with a description of the source base) as well as modes of editing information in the cloud storage database or in a limited mode of data input and data loading. The GIS project is represented by a set of vector and raster data transformed to work in a modern coordinate system: historical maps and diagrams, satellite images in the form of mosaics and image fragments obtained through available geoservices (Google, Yandex, Bing). Digital layers are also available which are generated and edited based on the digitization of historical and modern maps of different scales. Simultaneously with the work on the web-resource, the authors are creating the Transsib desktop GIS. The development and launch of the web-GIS "Trans-Siberian Railway" gives its users a number of new opportunities including the availability of generalized information and cartographic database on the history of the construction and operation of the Transsib as well as an opportunity for several users to work with project materials simultaneously, search for the necessary metadata information in the GIS, etc.
Citations count: 3
Ivakin Y.A., Potapychev S.N. —
Development of Geochronological Tracking Information Technology for GIS-Based Historical Studies
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 85 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.2.23083 URL:
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The article addresses logical and functional features of an applied geochronological tracking information technology. From the viewpoint of its applied aspect, this information technology is scientific methodological and program tools to automatize certain historical issues related to biographical and geographical data merge on the basis of geoinformation systems and corresponding geoinformation technologies. It is an example of a specific information technology developed to help historians employing geographical interpretation of their subject domain when solving research problems. The methodology bases on the object-oriented approach to modeling within GIS domains and ontologies widely used in modern programming and complex software systems development. The novelty of the solution proposed is the principles of biographical and geographical data integration for humanities. The article studies qualitatively new opportunities provided by such a GIS tool as software application of geochronological tracking which it acquires in the process of its development.
Citations count: 3
Garskova I.M., Simonzhenkova E.M. —
Formalized Technique to Analyze Complexes of Memoir Sources
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 169 - 188.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.1.29390 URL:
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One of the phenomena that left a noticeable mark in the national history of the Soviet period was political repressions which affected all social layers. The large complex of sources of personal origin available reflects authors’ experience and their views on the events or the most significant period of their lives as well as evaluations of the repressions period. A valuable complex of memoirs has been collected on the site of the Sakharov Center. The current study aims at women’s memoirs of the site as a mass source on history of repressions. To achieve this goal one had to solve two main tasks: to describe a collective portrait of memoir female authors and analyze the entire complex of female memoirs revealing common features in their perception of camp life. Prisoners’ memoirs have not been thoroughly studied yet. The same is true as far as female memoirs are concerned. The study uses a set of analytical methods and computer technologies to create a collective portrait of memoir authors (a prosopographic database), carry out their statistical analysis and perform content analysis of the full-text base of memoirs. On the basis of the analysis undertaken, it can be argued that memoirs of female prisoners mainly describe rather the problems of everyday struggle for existence in inhuman conditions that were commonplace in the camp than human emotions which were especially painful to think about.
Citations count: 3
Vladimirov V.N., Volodin A.Y., Garskova I.M., Frolov A. —
International Scientific Conference "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science": on the 30th anniversary of the Association "History and Computer"
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 125 - 146.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.1.40506 EDN: SSVDYT URL:
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The article discusses the content and results of the international conference of the Association "History and Computer" (AIC) "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science", held on November 11-13, 2022 at the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. All stages and forms of the conference are described in detail: 2 plenary sessions, breakout sessions, a round table. The conference was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the AIC and the 10th anniversary of the journal "Historical Informatics". The conference program included over 100 reports, the authors of which represented scientific centers of Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Norway and Uzbekistan. The main part of the conference consisted of 10 breakout sessions, where reports were presented on topical historical problems, the solution of which was proposed by the authors on the basis of methods and technologies of historical informatics. At the same time, in most reports, considerable attention was paid to the characteristics of the data used, methods of their processing and visualization. Much attention was paid to the creation of databases and information systems, statistical processing of historical data, methods of text analysis, historical geoinformatics, 3-D modeling. The results of archaeological research using digital technologies, methods of historical informatics in the research work of archives and museums, digital technologies in historical education were also considered.
Citations count: 3
Kuzmin Y.V. —
USSR Aircraft Industry Decrease in the 1980s: Database Statistical Analysis
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 106 - 146.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.2.29402 URL:
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The article demonstrates that the first half of the 1980s faced the aircraft industry decrease both in the USSR and around the world which was rapid, simultaneous and significant and affected the manufacture of both civilian and military airplanes. The manufacture of airplanes in the second half of the 1980s, up to 1990, was somewhat constant both in the USSR and the rest of the world. The decline in the USSR occurred not during the “perestroika”, but earlier, during the “late stagnation” period. The calculations have been carried out on the basis of data collected by the author. Data from over 100 sources were collected in a database including more than 700 records about the airplane manufacture in the USSR in the 1976-1990s. Unlike the USSR as a whole and most other countries of the world, there was no decrease of airplane manufacture in COMECON countries (Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania) as well as Georgia and Uzbekistan. The author speculates about the reasons of this fact.
Citations count: 3
Borodkin L. —
The Historian and the World of (Big) Data: Challenges of the Digital Turn
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 14 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.3.31383 URL:
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The article discusses contemporary challenges and problems related to historical science in the digital turn era as well as large scale digitization of historical sources. It also analyzes relations of historical information science and digital history (digital public history included) in detail. Emphasis is laid on data problems traditional of historical information science which has received a new impetus in recent years. The author discusses an expanded definition of “big data” and its specificity as applied to historical research giving a number of large-scale international research projects as an example. The article explores opportunities provided by the use of concepts and technologies of big data in history-oriented research projects and identifies promising areas to apply mathematical methods and digital technologies in historical research and educational programs.
Citations count: 3
Zherebyatyev D.I., Malandina T.V. —
Virtual Reconstruction of the Interior of Nicholas’s I Small (Bottom) Study in the Winter Palace in 1850-1855
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 159 - 200.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.2.30086 URL:
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Modern epoch of information and computer technologies provide new opportunities for solving the problem of cultural heritage preservation. Virtual reconstruction of historical interior is a task different from 3D reconstruction of monasteries, palace and park ensembles or historical urban buildings. Studies of great historical characters are conspicuous of their way of life, personal traits, activity and those internal changes which a person sooner or later transfers to everything around including the surroundings. The article thoroughly discusses a technique of virtual reconstruction of the interior of Nicholas’s I "Bottom" Study in the Winter Palace in 1850-1855 with the help of augmented reality and panoramic video technologies. The topic of historical interior virtual reconstruction often arises in the context of museum studies and is currently underdeveloped. However, the personal side of interiors is no less important for history than external architectural reconstruction.
Citations count: 3
Salomatina S., Garskova I.M., Valetov T.Y. —
Export of Goods from an Agrarian Region: Network and Geoinformation Analysis of Bank Payments in Orlovskaya Guberniya in the Second Half of the 19th Century
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 131 - 160.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.35447 URL:
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The article analyzes money flows associated with agricultural products exports from Orlovskaya Guberniya which help the authors to trace the geography of incomes from interregional trade and conclude about the economic changes in this agrarian region. The source base is statistics of interregional bank transfers, loans against goods transported by railways and bills of exchange with the payment outside the guberniya. These statistics refer to the Oryol Commercial Bank and the Oryol and Yelets branches of the State Bank of the Russian Empire in 1868, 1878, 1888 and 1898. Network and spatial analysis are applied to these data. To interpret the results the authors use narrative sources telling about the economical state of Orlovskaya Gubernia. The study concludes that the Riga-Oryol railway that assigned the gubeniya the interregional trade status partially lost its importance in 1890 as far as exports from the Black Earth Region are concerned. This led to more diversified form of profits based on agricultural products trade. Big money flows from St. Petersburg and Moscow can be explained not only by payment for goods but also by broader ties of the guberniya with the capitals. The latter fact requires further study. Exports to the southern regions of European Russia were less important and those to the east were negligible. In the 1890s many new interregional railways stimulated sharp trade increase within the Central Black Earth Region, but this phenomenon of regional development has also been poorly studied.
Citations count: 3
Grebenchenko I.V. —
Network Analysis of Memoires by Soviet Cosmonautics Creators: Professional Interactions Circle
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 239 - 249.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.4.34350 URL:
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The article studies the interactions of the Chief Designers’ Council members by the network analysis method based on the prosopographic database covering the creators of Soviet cosmonautics. Personal contacts of cosmonautics creators were undoubtedly very important in the activities of senior managers of such a complex scientific and engineering industry as the Soviet cosmonautics was. These are professional relations of the Chief Designers’ Council members the article addresses. The source base of the research is the materials library of the Russian State Archive of scientific and technical documentation, the Russian State Public History Library, the Russian State Archive of scientific and technical documentation, the funds of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics and the archive of the Memorial House Museum of academician Sergey Korolev. The research novelty is the goal set to study professional communications of the Soviet space program creators on the basis of network analysis as well as the first attempt to collect and process a large array of texts of biographical and memoir sources (5500 abridged pages) associated with the Chief Designers’ Council using a set of quantitative methods. The main results of this study are networks of interactions that show who of the members of the 1946-1967 Chief Designers’ Council had a significant impact on the development of the Soviet cosmonautics and how communication links were distributed between them.
Citations count: 2
Malandina T.V. —
Virtual 3D-Reconstruction of the Interiors of Moscow Oblast Manor Complexes (18th – early 20th Centuries): Ceremonial Interiors of Nikolskoye-Uryupino Manor Complex
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 134 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.2.36029 URL:
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Historical interiors of manor complexes as one of the main forms of spatial organization of life in the Russian Empire in the 18th – early 20th centuries are unique historical monuments that unite both social and individual elements charactering everyday life of the privileged classes of the Russian Empire. Stylistically and compositionally, historical interiors of Moscow Oblast manor complexes have a special place increasingly attracting the attention of Russian history and culture researchers. However, today most of Moscow Oblast manor complexes are ruined and their interiors are completely lost. The latest computer technologies grant unique opportunities for their virtual 3D-reconstruction and further preservation. The article generalizes types of interiors of Moscow Oblast manor complexes of the 18th – early 20th centuries and describes the transformation of t interiors throughout the main periods of classical manor complex culture development. The author clarifies a ceremonial interior type by the example of Nikol’skoe-Uryupino manor (Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia) and reconstructs the interiors in the Main Building and the White House by collecting an extensive database of visual and textual historical sources. The result of this work is 3D-reconstruction of the main ceremonial interiors of Nikol’skoe-Uryupino manor made in Autodesk 3DsMax and visualized in Corona Renderer software. The research was conducted in collaboration with the Central State Archive of Moscow Oblast.
Citations count: 2
Anisimova D. —
Retro Forecasting of Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange Indices (1914-1915): ARIMA Model Test
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 25 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27482 URL:
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The article describes how the author forms a counterfactual model forecasting the dynamics of Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange index after July 1914 before the war which radically changed the factor role of prewar dynamics. The author hypothesizes that the decreasing trend of St. Petersburg Stock Exchange index during the last prewar year was caused by internal economic factors which could determine further dynamics of the index when no war is assumed. To test this hypothesis the author has developed ARIMA statistical model within the R software environment. This model is an integrated model of autoregressive moving average which is an extension of the ARMA model for nonstationary time series. The counterfactual model has demonstrated that in case the influence of the pre-war period factors continued, the dynamics of the index over the next year would tend to decrease, even if the war did not begin. Thus, one can speak of the beginning recession phase in the cyclical development of Russian industry in 1913.
Citations count: 2
Borodkin L., Mironenko M., Chertopolokhov V., Belousova M., Khlopikov V. —
Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies (VR/AR) to Reconstruct Historical City Building System (the Example of Moscow Strastnoy Convent
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 76 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27549 URL:
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The article puts forward a new approach to the development of virtual reconstruction of historical and cultural heritage objects that is based on the advanced 3D modeling technologies and addresses the issues of historical urban science. Along with sociocultural significance and architectural importance of the lost cultural heritage objects (convent complex in this case) for virtual reconstruction tasks, an important criterion for their selection is the preservation rate of the source base. The article focuses on the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in historical reconstruction tasks. As an additional opportunity to “plunge” into the historical past, the authors propose the creation of historical panoramas to use them in pads or smartphones. The article also studies the technology associated with the use of VR HMD. 3D modeling, digital sculpting, photogrammetry of monuments, layer projection technologies form an important part of methods used in this work. The article is the first in Russian historiography to address the practical use of virtual and augmented reality technologies to reconstruct the lost objects of the historical building system (by the example of Strastnoy Convent). The authors test the software module that validates / verifies the results of virtual reconstruction as well as enhances representation and visualization opportunities of these results. The authors simulate the augmented reality within the virtual reality and thus overcome limitations of AR.
Citations count: 2
Goretskaia E.M. —
Comparative content analysis of the memoirs of the repressed: gender aspect
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 108 - 127.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.1.37831 URL:
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Political terror was a distinctive phenomenon of the Soviet era, affecting broad segments of the population of the USSR. In addition to the official traditional sources on the history of this period (statistics, personal files of prisoners, court materials, periodicals), sources of personal origin play an important role – diaries, letters, interviews and memoirs of prisoners of camps and special settlers. Of particular interest among other sources of personal origin on the history of repression in the USSR are collections of memoirs of the repressed. The largest collection of memoirs is presented on the resource of the Sakharov Center "Memories of the Gulag and their authors". The texts of memoirs posted on this electronic resource have become the main source of this research. Based on the materials of the resource, a full-text thematic collection of memoirs was created and analyzed using the methods of content analysis, network analysis and statistical analysis. A comparative analysis of the reflection of camp life on the pages of memoirs of male and female prisoners is carried out. The analysis suggests that men and women converge in the fundamental aspects of the perception of camps: regardless of gender, the camp stage of life became the most traumatic and was remembered by former prisoners in similar tones. At the same time, neither the gender of the authors of the memoirs, nor the profession, nor the age at the time of arrest, nor the number of years that prisoners were forced to spend in camps globally affect these general perception trends. There are particular features inherent in individual subgroups, both among women and men, of the perception of camps, but in general the perception is the same, and it is the general features of the perception of camp life that are brought to the fore, overshadowing the particular elements. This can serve as a confirmation of the thesis that the collection of memoirs collected and studied in the framework of this study is a mass source.
Citations count: 2
Natkhov T.V., Vasilenok N. —
Infant Mortality in Post-Reform Russia: Dynamics, Regional Differences and the Role of Traditional Norms
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 71 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.33356 URL:
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The article analyzes dynamics and regional differences in infant mortality in the post-reform Russian Empire. Based on extensive statistical, ethnographic and medical sources, the authors have shown that the infant mortality rate depended primarily on traditional practices of infant feeding and caring rather than on income, literacy or access to medicine. High infant mortality rate among the Great Russian population (compared with other ethnic and religious groups) was primarily due to the early stop of breastfeeding and solid food feeding. The latter sometimes began in the first days of baby’s life. The authors’ conclusions are consistent with the results of similar studies carried out in European demographic history and show that the use of infant mortality as an indicator of the population living standard in agricultural societies cannot always be justified. Consequently, it is unreasonable to draw conclusions about the stagnation of living standards in pre-revolutionary Russia on the basis of the infant mortality rate.
Citations count: 2
Trishin I. —
3D Reconstruction of Nikolskoe-Uryupino Manor Complex (Krasnogorskiy Urban Okrug, Moscow Oblast): Research Methods and Technologies
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 211 - 234.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.33955 URL:
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This article addresses spatial reconstruction of the manor complex with the help of 3D modeling and 3D visualization. The topicality of the issue is determined by a big number of dvoryane architectural monuments in Moscow Oblast which have been partially or totally lost, but bear historical and cultural importance at the local or the regional level. Not many of them will be restored but most of them are related to famous or influential noble dynasties that had played an important role in Russian history. Virtual reconstruction of these complexes is a way to “revive” this history and search for new aspects of dvoryanstvo’s life in the 17th – early 20th centuries. The article describes the main methods and technological solutions of spatial reconstruction of a manor complex by the example of Nikolskoe-Uryupino Manor (Krasnogorskiy Urban Okrug, Moscow Oblast). The manor has become known due to Golitsyny dynasty that created a picturesque architectural and park ensemble. The current state of the complex and many different sources at hand provide for detailed reconstruction of the main buildings as well as create the surrounding space similar to the original one. The reconstruction is described in details starting with the source analysis and methodical studies to the description of the virtual projects visualization.
Citations count: 2
Sorokina K. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Olgovo Manor near Moscow: Research Sources, Methods and Technologies
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 112 - 135.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.34229 URL:
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Each year the problem of historical and cultural heritage preservation becomes more piercing as an increasing number of monuments are gradually ruined. Manors once being a special cultural phenomenon of the social history of our country are no exception. The article analyzes the complex of sources with sufficient information value for creating a virtual 3D-reconstruction of the main house and elements of Olgovo manor complex near Moscow in the late 19th - early 20th centuries as well as scrutinizes the sources and papers to study the history of Olgovo and its owners (17th - 20th centuries). The reconstruction of the main house and the elements of Olgovo manor complex allows the author to visualize the appearance of the currently ruined cultural heritage monument and demonstrate the practice of applying methods of three-dimensional computer modeling to historical research by the example of manor reconstructions. The author describes the use of modern software (Adobe Photoshop CS6, SketchUp and Twinmotion) to solve the goals set. The research was carried out within the project of the Historical Information Science Department of Moscow State University aimed at reconstructing virtual appearance of Moscow Oblast manors in close cooperation with the Central State Archive of Moscow Oblast.
Citations count: 2
Borodkin L., Vladimirov V.N. —
Association “History and Computer”: 25 years on.
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.3.24702 URL:
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The article studies the formation and activity of History and Computer Association (HCA) that is a union of historical information science specialists. The HCA development was accompanied by the formation of historical information science, a historical field employing mathematical methods and computer technologies. The article describes the formation of a new research domain, the main aspects of HCA activity connected to the development of historical information science as well as the main stages of HCA development. The role of the journal “Historical Information Science” for this new domain is emphasized. The research methodology is to analyze the key events and processes of HCA life a scientific community which influenced the formation and development of such a domain as historical information science.
Today the association is a professional community developing a topical interdisciplinary field, historical information science, that is increasingly active. By autumn 2017 about 200 people were HCA members. They represent research centers and universities from Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia and the Ukraine.
Citations count: 2
Borisova S.V., Kartashov S.A., Zherebyatyev D.I., Trishin I.G., Mironenko M.S., Dryga D.O. —
Preservation of Pre-Mongol Rus Cultural Heritage: Reconstruction of the Lost Stone Reliefs of the 13th Century St. Georger’s Cathedral
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27576 URL:
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Whitestone St. Georger’s Cathedral is one of the most well-known monuments of pre-Mongol stone architecture in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus in the 13th century. The unique feature of the cathedral is the carved whitestone décor which themes are those of Christian iconography, pagan images and floral ornament. In the 15th century the cathedral fell down and was restored, but the integrity of stone reliefs was lost. Later the reliefs were restored by masters of Vasiliy Ermolin in random order thus complicating the task of their correct order reconstruction. During reconstruction the temple became lower, lost its original proportions and the unique ornament. Some reliefs were lost while the others happened in hard-to-get places. Some stone reliefs can be found in the cathedral masonry under the temple roof or in the columns. Inside the building one can see reliefs which have not been used by masters during reconstruction. Researchers have attempted to reconstruct the cathedral many times, but the oddness of reliefs and their multiple damages complicated this work. Modern information technologies (laser scanning, photogrammetry, 3D modeling programs and BIM) provide for solving the problem of reconstructing the cathedral original appearance and lost ancient themes as well as testing the cathedral reconstruction hypotheses at hand. Digitization of stone reliefs allows the researcher to work with them in digital format preserving the integrity of the object. One of the results is the software environment developed by the authors to systematize stone reliefs. Within this environment the authors have reconstructed a number of lost mythical and biblical themes of stone reliefs located on the cathedral walls.
Citations count: 2
Borodkin L. —
Development of Historical Information Science in Russia: First Steps of Historians along the “Microcomputer Revolution” path
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 155 - 172.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.3.24709 URL:
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The article is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the History and Computer Association (HCA) that united Russian and foreign specialists working within the interdisciplinary filed of history and information technologies. The article concentrates on the development of this association in the first half of the 1990s. The idea to create the association came, on the one hand, from the Council of the International Association “History and Computing” (ÀÍÑ), its president professor Manfred Thaller, and, on the other hand, from a group of Russian specialists who had used computers to analyze statistical sources and create digital archives of historical data and participants of “quantitative revolution” that had a great influence on a number of historical fields. The article data demonstrate the formation of the main research domain of historical information science that is creation and use of electronic versions of historical sources. The article is of a historiographic character and employs historical and genetic approach joining historical information science with quantitative history (following HCA periodicals of the 1990s). These materials provide for reconstructing the initial stage of this interdisciplinary community. One can see the atmosphere of positive professional cooperation within HCA and international ÀÍÑ as a whole. It is the first time when the information value of the HCA bulletin is studied to analyze the HCA initial stage.
Citations count: 2
Grishin E. —
A Fund of Historical and Cartographic Materials as a Means to Unify Historical GIS and Digital Cartography
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 133 - 142.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.1.29260 URL:
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The article studies the development of a technique of historical digital cartography and geographic information systems. The article substantiates the proposals for the creation and operation of a collection of historical cartographic materials and names forms of historical spatial data interaction and the possibility of their implementation. Of particular importance is the institutionalization of historical cartography which can solve problems of methodological support of spatially oriented research and achieve unification of historical geodata. The article also speaks about issues of the preparation of topographic bases for the construction of historical maps and cartographic support of historical research and enumerates the main requirements for historical and cartographic materials. The research method is based on a retrospective review of the development of historical cartography. A comparative method is widely used to compare the achievements of general mapping and geoinformatics with corresponding disciplines in the historical segment. The main conclusion of the article is the need to form an institutional core of historical cartography that could take on the functions of solving methodical problems and creating reference mapping solutions for historical research. The article is the first to formulate the main types of interaction of historical and cartographic materials. The basic requirements for the presentation of historical digital maps and the basic content of geographic information projects are defined.
Citations count: 2
Akasheva A.A., Chechin A.V. —
A Technique to Reconstruct Nizhniy Novgorod Land Survey Plan and Borders in 1784 Based on Special Geodetic Software
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 111 - 142.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.1.32103 URL:
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A present-day task of historical GIS is to geotag ancient maps within åðó modern coordinate system. These maps are sure to have many inaccuracies. In this regard, there is a need to develop algorithms accounting for these inaccuracies and allowing one to position sources with the smallest deformations and drawbacks. This task is also relevant for Russian plans of the General Survey. Their peculiarity is that they have accurate geodetic characteristics of plots. The research subject is a set of Nizhny Novgorod plans of the late 18th ñentury which were the basis for a technique used to reconstruct the city borders and land survey plans. The research methodology is based on the historicism principal, systematicity and objectivity. The authors emphasize the role of statistical methods and apply specifically historical (historical and typological as well as historical and genetic) methods, the geodetic method to process and equalize transit traverse, modeling and cartometry. The research novelty is determined by the algorithm of city borders and historical land survey plans reconstruction, technological solutions for studying the object by means of geodetic programs, new data on land management and cartographic materials based on land management results in the specific region of Russia. The main conclusions are the positioned borders of Nizhny Novgorod in the conditional coordinate system. It was found that transit traverses of plots studied had significant angle linear errors. For settlement plots they are 3°29' and 1/31 and for pasture plots they are 2°49' and 1/80. For Blagoveshchenskiy Monastery they are 0°37’and 1/139. A raster land survey plan of Nizhny Novgorod has been made. It can be further used for geotagging and creating historical GIS.
Citations count: 2
Vladimirov V.N. —
The Way It Was (HCA’s First Year)
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 143 - 148.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.25052 URL:
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The article is dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Association “History and Computer” – a professional union of specialists employing mathematical methods and new information technologies in historical research and education. The research object is the understanding of the first steps of historical information science in Russia. The first year of the HCA (1993) is studied. Some important conferences, workshops and meetings were held. The author notes the “horizontal” character of academic ties in comparison with the “vertical” structure practiced before. The article historiographically describes the genetic relation of historical information science causes and the first period of its development. The author as the direct participant of all those events shares his impressions and thoughts thus forming a more comprehensive perception of the new research domain. It is emphasized that the atmosphere of creativity and amiability that was formed in the first HCA days encouraged successful development of historical information science.
Citations count: 2
Mamonova S.A. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Pushchino-on-Nara Manor near Moscow: Research Sources, Methods and Technologies
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 136 - 165.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.34245 URL:
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Manors of the 18th - early 20th centuries located near Moscow can boast their specificity within the socio-cultural context of the history of Russia. After a period of oblivion for most of the twentieth century, the manors of Moscow Oblast started to attract researchers of Russian culture, architecture and everyday life in pre-revolutionary Russia. Today most of the well-known manors of Moscow Oblast, once famous for their architecture, park culture, remarkable social history associated with the names of the famous Russians are in ruins. One of the main characteristic features of the manor culture is its synthetic nature that requires combined efforts of specialists belonging to different interdisciplinary approaches to study it. The article analyzes the complex of identified sources that have the potential for creating a 3D-reconstruction of the main house of the manor and elements of the manor complex and which, taken together with the literature, make it possible to study the history of Pushchino-on-Nara manor and its owners. Virtual reconstruction makes it possible to visualize the appearance of this cultural heritage site and demonstrate the opportunities to use three-dimensional computer modeling techniques in historical research by the example of the manor reconstruction. The article also tells us about the author’s use of modern software (Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp and Twinmotion) to solve the goals set. The research was carried out in collaboration with the Central State Archive of Moscow Oblast.
Citations count: 2
Poshevelya S.A. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Petrovskoe-Alabino Manor near Moscow: Research Sources, Methods and Technologies
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 166 - 184.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.33979 URL:
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The article describes methods and technologies of virtual 3D architectural historical reconstruction by the example of the exterior restoration process of Petrovskoye-Alabino manor (18th century) located in Naro-Fominsk District of Moscow Oblast. Currently the object is ruined, the interiors have been completely lost, the facades have also been almost unpreserved and the park has completely disappeared. Petrovskoe-Alabino was a summer country estate built by Nikita Akinfievich Demidov for his wife Aleksandra Evtikhievna who had not seen the manor completion. Having not achieved its main purpose, the manor, despite its unique appearance and aesthetic splendor, did not become famous and left no noticeable traces in historical sources. The primary purpose of the estate determined its special architectural type that is "Monplaisir" which is not often found in Russia. The manor was ruined in the 20th century and is now unprotected. It has not been reconstructed before and all the studies at stake are rather art reviews than historical studies. This article emphasizes the need to preserve cultural heritage and record the current state of destroyed objects as well as describes the process of virtual three-dimensional reconstruction of the manor based on archival and published materials as well as those collected during the research. The work grounds on drawings, sketches and measurements made by professional commissions in the 20th century as well as photographs of various eras, text descriptions of the manor and a set of graphic files created during the process of aerial and land photography of the current state of Petrovskoe-Alabino. Not only have the buildings of the complex been reconstructed, but also the courtyard, the main park alley and the landscape of the main manor territory. The work was carried out in close cooperation with the Central State Archive of Moscow Oblast.
Citations count: 2
Pavlov K.V. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Historical Objects as a Research Domain (1996-2020): the Structure of Scientific Discourse through Citations Analysis
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 162 - 178.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.3.36513 URL:
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The article searches for and analyzes stable scientific discourse patterns within the subject area named by means of bibliometric tools. To achieve this goal it uses analytical opportunities provided by the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU. Its platform has a selection of Russian research papers studying virtual reconstructions of historical and cultural heritage objects. The author has selected a pool of highly cited works and by means of Gephi software has created an oriented graph that provided for visualizing the links between the selected works, identifying "sub-subject" areas and finding their interaction and mutual influence within this research domain. The research novelty is the use of citation data to identify and analyze the structure of communications in this subject area. As a result, the article clarifies and supplements the existing typology of this research field. The author has distinguished seven relatively independent types of virtual reconstruction technologies use in history and has identified the leading research teams affiliated with Moscow State University, Siberian Federal University, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Moscow Institute of Architecture and Center for Virtual History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is these research groups whose papers have had a significant theoretical and methodological influence on other authors in the process of formation and development of this research domain and thus confirmed their scientific value.
Citations count: 2
Stepanova I., Frolov A., Gavrilov P.V., Savinova A.I. —
The scribe book of the Tver half of the Bezhetskaya Pyatina in 1545: publication of the source in the web gis environment
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 87 - 103.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.37030 URL:
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The article discusses the experience of online publication of the scribe book of the Tver half of the Bezhetskaya Pyatina of the Novgorod land in 1545 on the NextGIS Web platform. The scribe's Book of 1545 is the most complete source describing the territory of the Tver half of the Bezhetskaya Pyatina of the XVI century. The book reflects the composition of landowners not only of the XVI century, but also of the period of independence of Veliky Novgorod. The paper describes methods of working with the geographical information of the book, creating geodata based on it and ways of presenting them in a web format. Attention is paid to various technical solutions, their strengths and weaknesses are considered. Â The novelty of the research lies in a new look at the auxiliary element of the NextGIS Web web map, which is the Description displayed on the functional panel of its interface. The proposed approach turns the interactive geographical pointer accompanying the map into a platform for full-text publication of the source, in which the map performs the function of a container, always ready to display exactly the spatial context in which the geographical object selected by the user exists from the text of the historical source of the source. The main conclusion of the work is the conclusion that the proposed method allows you to combine the transmission of the main elements of the paper publication of the source with the advantages of a modern digital format, expanded due to the cartographic component.
Citations count: 2
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Document Resources of Archives, Libraries and Museums in the Internet
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25513 URL:
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The article is an introductory part to a series of materials which historiographically consider and describe Internet document resources and contain finding aids and electronic copies of historical and cultural heritage objects. It includes integrative information resources developed by groups of countries or institutions. These resources aimed at providing remote access to descriptions and electronic copies of historical and cultural heritage site as well as developing methodological approaches (including standards and formats for description and digitization) that were to become common. Several research methods are used in the article. The main are comparative-historical and descriptive ones. At the same time interdisciplinary methods and methods of historical information science were used.
The research novelty is the composition of resources described and the historiographic method of their study as well as the identification of methods and traditional historical sources information transformation techniques which are important for historical information science and can be further introduced into the electronic environment and employed in historical studies
Citations count: 2
Salomatina S., Garskova I.M., Valetov T.Y. —
Interregional Payments of Oryol Commercial Bank in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Net Analysis
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 122 - 147.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.4.31020 URL:
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The article studies commodity-money flows in the Central Black Earth Region in the second half of the 19th century. To do this Network and geoinformation analysis are applied to the statistics of interregional payments of the Oryol Commercial Bank in 1874–1901. These statistics characterize, firstly, bank clients’ payments related to commodity sales to other regions (goods secured loan payments and bill discounting payments) and, secondly, clients’ payments for goods from other regions (transfers with locations stated). The network structure and geography of these commodity-money flows were analyzed in detail at three time points: 1874, the initial period, economically favorable for the region; 1885, the economic crisis in the area; and 1901, the last year when such payment statistics were published. The article concludes that commodity-money flows of the Central Black Earth Region served by the Oryol Commercial Bank were directed towards westward commodity railway exports. Initially it was Riga and Koenigsberg and by 1901 - many other settlements in western regions and along the western border of the Russian Empire near the railway. Backward commodity-money flows related to the import of goods into the Central Black Earth Region came from all the principal commercial and industrial centers of the Russian Empire. Such a commodity exchange model correlates well with the agricultural specificity of the Central Black Earth Region.
Citations count: 2
Kondrasheva D.I. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Molodi Manor near Moscow: Research Sources, Methods and Technologies
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 185 - 210.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.33989 URL:
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This article describes virtual reconstruction of Molodi Manor near Moscow which has the status of a monument of federal significance. As research methods, the author uses 3D modeling technologies and restores the virtual appearance of the main building, the outbuilding of the barn and the surrounding park complex of the first half of the 19th century. The author uses such modern software as Autodesk 3ds Max, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, AdobePhotoshop and some others. In addition to a detailed description of the process and modeling methods, the work also studies the history of the manor itself. The article is divided into three parts each reflecting separate stages of the research. The first one speaks about the history of Molodi Manor. The second part gives a brief description of the sources used to create a three-dimensional model of the manor complex understudy. Some particularly important graphic sources, in particular photographs, maps and drawings, are included in the article for illustrative purposes. The basis of the reconstruction is dimensional plans, sections and other drawings provided by the Central State Archive of Moscow Oblast. The third part deals with the practical stage of the research. It reveals methods and technologies for constructing the 3D model, tells the reader about the difficulties that the author inevitably faced in the process of virtual reconstruction. The research is carried out within the project of the Historical Information Science Department of Moscow State University aimed at reconstructing virtual appearance of Moscow Oblast manors.
Citations count: 1
Didenko D.V., Grineva N.V. —
Soviet Economic Growth through the Interstate Prism: the Role of Research Funding
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.34708 URL:
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The article estimates economic growth factors in the late USSR: research and development (R&D) expenditures along with physical and human capital accumulation as well as institutional and technological dynamics. The USSR results are compared with those of a sample of reference countries with the use of collected statistical data and estimates in the literature and data sets. Developing theoretical ideas by Romer (1990) the authors test a model of the production function which includes R&D expenditures as a source of endogenous growth. To indirectly characterize institutional and general technological dynamics they choose the relevant proxy indicators. The use of these variables within the modified production function is the principal methodological contribution of this research related to the analysis of historical variations of industrial economy development. The model mostly fits Japanese data and somewhat less data on other industrialized countries. The main USSR variables are statistically significant for the period of 1955-1990, but not for the period of 1965-1990. The research findings support the hypothesis that in the mid 1950s – early 1960s Soviet economy had certain prerequisites for transition to endogenous growth model based on R&D and technologies which turned out mostly unrealized. The authors have not found enough evidence to confirm the hypothesis of a decisive role of institutional factors influencing the slowdown growth in the USSR.
Citations count: 1
Babaitsev M.N., Stepanova I. —
3D Modeling and 3D Printing Technologies in the Preservation and Popularization of Architectural Monuments of the Vasilevo Museum-Reserve (Tver region)
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 79 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.1.40375 EDN: OIVKSG URL:
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The article presents the results of a project to create virtual models of architectural monuments of the Vasilevo Landscape Museum-Reserve in the Tver region with their subsequent 3D printing and creation of a large-scale layout. The Vasilevo Museum-Reserve is located on the territory of the Lviv estate of the XVIII-XIX centuries and includes manor buildings, as well as 16 monuments of wooden architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries, brought and installed on the territory of the reserve of their various districts of the Tver region. Among them are objects of cultural heritage of federal significance: wooden temples, monuments of civil development. The museum is a branch of the Tver State United Museum and is included in the tourist route "Pushkin Ring of the Upper Volga region". As a result of the authors' project, virtual models and large-scale physical models of 19 architectural objects of the Vasilevo Museum-Reserve were made. Photogrammetry, polygonal 3D modeling, FFF 3D printing, and layout technologies were used in the work. The process of photographing to create a digital model using photogrammetry technology was carried out using a professional UAV and a SLR camera. The main software was Blender, Autodesk Meshmixer, Agisoft Metashape. The experience of digitizing objects has shown that photogrammetry makes it possible to capture fine details well in a computer model, which can be further reflected in large-scale models with 3D printing. In particular, these are wooden walls and ceilings of various designs, masonry, engraved images and inscriptions on stone. 3D printing was carried out on Creality Ender 3 and Creality Ender 5 3D printers. The printing material was polylactide plastic. The printed models were painted and reinforced in the form of a scale model. The finished model was transferred to the Vasilevo Museum and is used for museum display.
Citations count: 1
Aletkina E.Y. —
Information potential of large-circulation newspapers of the oil industry enterprises of the Ural-Volga region in the 1960s- 1980s as sources for the study of labor motivation: content analysis of letters to newspapers
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.2.40749 EDN: UVQFXL URL:
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The article examines the large-circulation newspapers of the oil industry enterprises of the Ural-Volga region in the 1960s-1980s as sources for the study of labor motivation. For the first time, newspapers produced at the oil enterprises of Bashneft, Permneft and Tatneft are being introduced into scientific circulation. Initially, an assessment of the information potential of the sources was carried out. Based on the selected materials, a content analysis of letters from oil workers to the newspaper of one of the divisions of the Permneft production association "Neftyanik Polazny" in 1973 - 1985 was performed. Descriptive methods of source analysis are also used in this study. Content analysis was provided by MAXQDA 2022 and UCINET software and consisted in analyzing the frequency of occurrence of selected categories and their visualization to assess the degree of significance of social and industrial topics related to labor motivation for oil workers. The study proved that for the employees of NGDU "Polaznaneft" the most urgent problems were related to "bottlenecks" in the social sphere and in the organization of production processes. In addition, it is noted that the category of "production management" was a key factor in solving various problems. The results of calculating the frequency of occurrence of categories and visualizing these frequencies can be useful for further research in the field of labor motivation.
Citations count: 1
Razumov I.K. —
The Hypothesis of Nostradamus's Use of Cryptographic Methods to Arrange Quatrains in the "Prophecies"
// Historical informatics.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 162 - 176.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2024.1.70073.2 EDN: AXGWPK URL:
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Despite the extensive bibliographical material, scientific study of the life and work of Nostradamus has only relatively recently begun. Currently, it includes a detailed examination of the predictor's biography and historical-philological commentaries on the quatrains. The unordered arrangement of the quatrains is one of the main problems hindering the understanding of the prophecies. In particular, it has been discovered that many quatrains describe presumed future events through comparison with the past and, therefore, cannot be adequately understood without a reasoned arrangement by dates. Although Nostradamus himself unequivocally states in an epistle to King Henry II that the quatrains should be arranged using the biblical chronology he provided, with a reference point determined by the retrograde movements of planets (1606 year, as shown by prof. Brind'Amour), discussions of such cryptographic approaches were absent in Nostradamus literature until now. For the first time, this work presents a detailed argument for the hypothesis that Nostradamus used a modified "scytale" algorithm to encrypt the correct sequence of quatrains and assign them specific dates. It is shown that the predictor indeed employed cyclically repeating biblical chronologies placed in the epistle to King Henry II for this purpose. The final date of the prophecies turns out to be the year 2242, close to the end of the 6,000 years in the Jewish calendar (2240 AD) and the completion of the cycle of planetary epochs in the astrological concept of Abraham ibn Ezra (2241 AD), which aligns well with existing historical research. The analysis results indicate that although the Prophecies were published in parts, they form a coherent work following a strict plan. Consequently, the obtained results are relevant to the history of cryptography in Europe and have significant implications for a correct understanding of Nostradamus' texts.
Citations count: 1
Soloshchenko N. —
International MAXQDA Users Conference “MQIC 2019” (27 February – 1 March 2019, Berlin, Germany)
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 242 - 247.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.2.29831 URL:
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The article reviews the content and the main features of the conference of researchers working with MAXQDA program. The MQIC conference is an event organized annually by VERBI Software GmbH in Berlin. The topicality of the article is in growing popularity of MAXQDA among historians. This software is increasingly used to analyze narrative historical sources. The article briefly describes analytical tools of MAXQDA (emphasizing its application in the field of historical research), reviews sections, seminars, round tables and other events held at MQIC 2019 conference as well as examines the main features of their organization and topics addressed. The article concludes that this international scientific event is an excellent opportunity to learn how to use MAXQDA not only at the basic level, but also at the advanced level as well as exchange contacts with international colleagues.
Citations count: 1
Gasanov A. —
Interactive Environment and Virtual Reality to Reconstruct Manufacturing Processes (Moscow Trekhgorny Brewery in the Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries).
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 69 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.3.36567 URL:
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The article studies the creation of virtual reality interactive environments as a form of presenting historical 3D-reconstruction results. This approach provides for restoring not only static objects such as architectural appearance and interiors but also dynamic ones. The latter are industrial processes of the past, for instance. The manufacturing building of Tryokhgorny brewery (the biggest in the Russian Empire) was an object for virtual 3D-reconstruction. The article describes the source base and the reconstruction of indoor spaces of the brewery building in the late 19th - early 20th centuries and reconstructs brewing processes as well. The result of the work done is the creation of a virtual reality application with historical sources verification and information tips systems included. The author tests technologies of mechanical animation and particle systems and forms interactive environment logic by means of basic software “Unreal Engine 4” through the visual programming interface “Blueprints”. The virtual environment created lets users take on the role of a brewery worker and make necessary brewing operations in virtual reality.
Citations count: 1
Zhukov D.S., Lyamin S.K. —
Revolution in the Internet: Self-Organized Criticality Theory to Study Protest Movements
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 11 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.24559 URL:
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The article gives an example of the way self-organized criticality (SOC) theory can be used to study a number of nonlinear effects in social media, protest movement sharp rises in particular. The authors describe the key ideas of the SOC theory and methods to identify pink noise as a SOC attribute. The research object is an associated total of Facebook communities which lent informational and organizational support to the impeachment of Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff. Chronological frames of the work is January 2015 – august 2016. It has been shown that net activity of some communities understudy was a pink noise within a number of periods. SOC systems can demonstrate explosive activity increase that is the inner potential of systems for self-destruction and/or qualitative transformation. The protest social network studied had key features to generate informational avalanches – fast and big explosions of information creation, transmission and copying. The authors name facts supporting the idea that SOC advent in the nets is caused by mass street actions (violent as well). One parameter of the numerical series studied is a power law factor which can be indicative for network diagnostics, in particular, for revealing their potential for spontaneous informational avalanches.
Citations count: 1
Kartashova M. —
Localization of Home Crafts in the Russian Empire in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries (Spatial and Statistical Analysis)
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 63 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25145 URL:
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The article studies home crafts of the Russian Empire. The territorial framework covers the Russian Empire as a whole including the central guberniyas, Asian Russia, the Caucasus, the Kingdom of Poland and Finland. The study was carried out on the territorial basis. The author analyzes statistics and reveals the home craft distribution level throughout gubernyas and oblasts using localization indices. At the second stage of the study home crafts are analyzed according to groups and types. Guberniyas and centers with prevailing home crafts are identified. The author employs interdisciplinary approach, localization indices, MS Excel statistical, spatial and statistical analysis in the MapInfo geoinformation system. It is the first time in history when home craft localization indices are used within the frames of the whole empire and indices are compared in relation to home craft population and factory workers. The data obtained allowed the author to identify 4 groups of guberniyas. The first group (Kamchatskaya Oblast) totally lacked home crafts. The second group covers 35 regions with the low home craft level scattered throughout the empire. The third group with the medium level of home craft localization includes 21 regions that are also scattered. The fourth group counts 9 guberniyas located in the northern and the central industrial parts of the empire, Tobolskaya Guberniya and Semipalatinskaya Oblast. More than half of the 32 guberniyas and oblasts understudy had low indices of the factory industry localization thus casting doubts on wide-spread conclusions about the decline of home crafts throughout the empire before the First World War.
Citations count: 1
Baranova E., Maslov V., Lopatin M. —
Database “Echelon Lists of Kaliningradskaya Oblast Immigrants (1946-1947)”: Architecture, Sources, Data Introduction and the First Results
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 22 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.4.33950 URL:
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This article considers some aspects related to a database covering migrants from the Russian Federation and the Belorussian Republic to Kaliningradskaya Oblast. The topicality of the study is the poor knowledge bulk related to statistics of such a large-scale migration process initiated by the Soviet Union in the middle of the 20th century which played an important role in the new region formation. It is the first time when an information resource is created that contains data from a large complex of nominative records made along the way with the mass resettlement of new residents of the region by means of train echelons. Besides the description of the source, the most typical types of its documents (echelon lists, acts on arrival and consolidated lists) are considered in detail. The authors discuss the principles to build the database and substantiate the choice in favor of the source-oriented approach. The describe the conceptual structure of the database with reference to some specific features of its logical model and the organization of the graphical user interface. The article describes how a large group of students added limited access data to the database. A preliminary analysis of the database information shows that in 1946 about 2/5 of the arriving people were unable to work (primarily due to their age). The same share, however among the heads of families, was characteristic of single people without a spouse. The absolute majority of household heads were men.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N. —
What is Digital History after all?
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 168 - 173.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.35241 URL:
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The article summarizes the author’s report at a discussion organized by the editorial board of the Istoricheskaya Informatika journal that addressed the book “What is Digital History?” by Salmi H. published in 2020. The book is named a manual for students thus justifying the opinion to consider the material presented to readers as representing a set of the most established positions and opinions in the field of digital history. The book discusses such issues as the time of digital history birth, its definition, subject field, functions as well as the importance for the widespread dissemination of historical knowledge in society. The author criticizes the concept of prerequisites for digital history birth outlined by H. Salmi which completely ignores the History and Computing movement in Western Europe and North America which played an important role in the formation of Russian historical information science and which was the discussion panel where many digital history issues were raised and resolved. The structure of the book is discussed as well. The article emphasizes the author's viewpoint on the importance of geographic information systems and technologies for historical research which he clearly underestimates. It is concluded that historical information science and digital history are different spheres of interdisciplinarity.
Citations count: 1
Stepanova I., Gavrilov P.V. —
Land ownership in the Bezhetskaya Pyatina (Tver Region) at the end of the Novgorod independence period: localization in GIS
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 111 - 149.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.2.38107 EDN: GYYRPZ URL:
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The article gives the historical and geographical characteristics of the Novgorod land ownership on the territory of the the Bezhetskaya Pyatina in Tver Region. The main sources of the research are the scribal books of 1498/99 and 1545 years. The work was carried out using geoinformation technologies based on the previously performed localization of toponyms of scribal descriptions of 1498/99 and 1545. Using the Voronoi Polygons module and further combining polygons on the basis of belonging to a specific landowner, an idea was obtained about the spatial location of the land holdings of the Novgorod boyars, residents, fellow countrymen, monasteries and the Novgorod archbishop in the churchyards-districts of Pyatina. The web gis is available on the Internet on the website of the Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics of the IVI RAS. The composition of landholdings (a single territory or separate enclaves) is analyzed. Localization made it possible to establish that a number of relatives' possessions were located compactly, which made it possible to identify family possessions belonging to Yuryev, Ovinov, etc., dating back to large single patrimony of common ancestors. The largest by area were the vladychnaya volost of Udomlya and the volost of Ivan Loshinsky's Slezkino. There is also excessive land ownership by the end of the period of independence of Novgorod. The concentration of small landholdings of foreigners and those living in the west of Pyatina, in the Mlevsky churchyards, was also revealed. The data obtained as a result of the use of gis technologies on the size of land holdings were compared with information on the number of settlements in them from scribal books. The population indicators obtained for the most fully localized volosts on average amount to 0.4-0.7 settlements per 1 sq. km. The territories with the highest (in the south of Pyatina and in the basins of the Medveditsa and Mologa rivers and their small tributaries) and the lowest (in the north) indicators of population were identified. After the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow, almost all landholdings were confiscated and distributed to estates that were not comparable in size to the old volosts.
Citations count: 1
Danilov E.V. —
Dynamics and Factors of Medical Service in European Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 65 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.4.39251 EDN: SBIIBH URL:
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The article examines the evolution of medical service in European Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is displayed that by 1913 the number of medical care cases increased by half up to 550 services per 1000 people. The key factors determining the dispersion of medical service were health care funding level, doctor and paramedics availability and the zemstvo status of the province. Also, a statistically significant relationship was revealed between medical service and the level of well-being of the population. In urban area, the independent factors determine the variance of studied factor substantially worse than the one in rural areas; by 1913, the most significant factor changed from the zemstvo status of the province to the level of accessibility of medical care. The obtained data allow to infer that in the Russian Empire there were parallel and interdependent processes of developing practices of public health organization and healthcare seeking.
Citations count: 1
Oskin A. —
Application of artificial intelligence technologies in historical education
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 145 - 159.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.2.40580 EDN: SKETPM URL:
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The possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies in the training of future historians are considered. As you know, the most popular AI chatbot currently is the ChatGPT application. Unfortunately, access to this service for users from Russia and Belarus is currently limited. However, there are many third–party applications that are free from such restrictions that use the ChatGPT API and perform similar tasks. The article analyzes three of the most interesting and useful of these services:,, A detailed overview of each application and possible options for its use in the educational process are offered.
Citations count: 1
Mamonova S.A. —
Virtual reconstruction of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Lori region of Armenia): a study of the cultural heritage of the Russian presence in Armenia in the XIX - XX centuries
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 34 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.2.43508 EDN: SIRUAN URL:
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In studies on the history of the Russian presence in Armenia, an important place is occupied by the question of the role of the Orthodox Church. Currently, there are several Orthodox churches in Armenia. One of the most interesting, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Amrakits (Lori region of Armenia) is unique in its architecture, has a century-old history, but suffered significant destruction during the large-scale Spitak earthquake in 1988. Since that time, it has actually lost its significance as a functioning temple.
In 2022, survey work began in Armenia to determine the possibility of restoring the partially destroyed church building or (if such restoration is impossible) recreating this temple in an authentic form.
In this regard, the task of creating a virtual reconstruction of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, using three-dimensional modeling methods, is relevant. An important condition for such work is the availability of a set of sources that allow the implementation of such a project. In this study, a source base has been formed, including drawings, plans, measurements of the church building, as well as photographs of the object before and after the 1988 earthquake. The author studied the history of the settlement Nikolaevka, founded at the beginning of the 19th century (now Amrakits), as well as the history of the construction of the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the early twentieth century. The main purpose of the study is to reconstruct the appearance of the church at the beginning of the 20th century. The article contains a study of the history and architectural features of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as a description of the process of creating a virtual reconstruction and the problems associated with it. The author used SketchUp 2022, Vision, Lumion 10 as software.
Citations count: 1
Stepanova I., Karpova M.V. —
From the cadastral books to GIS: Toropets, Belaya, Rzheva borders in 15th – 17th centuries
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 58 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.3.48496 EDN: XEHGVZ URL:
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The article presents the results of studying the regions located on the western boundary of the Russian state of the XVI-XVII centuries. The object of the study is Toropetsky Uyezd and its eastern volosts - Dubna, Rozhna, Bibirevo and Startsova, which in the XV century formed the Moscow-Lithuanian border. Territorial transformations of these volosts in the XV-XVII centuries are considered. Based on written sources, the GIS localization of the border between Toropetsky, Belsky and Rzhevsky counties, the most important in the study of border situations during the XV-XVII centuries, was carried out. The main sources of the study are scribal descriptions of Toropetsky, Belsky, Rzhevsky counties of the XVI-XVII centuries, including previously unpublished and introduced into scientific circulation. The study was conducted using geoinformation technologies. The use of geoinformation technologies in the work on the continuous localization of toponyms of scribal descriptions of three counties allowed us to get a more detailed idea of the territory of the Toropetsky district before its entry into the Russian State. Startsova Parish stretched south from Toropets to the large Peletsky Moss swamp. Its southeastern part, lying on the left bank of the Western Dvina, was assigned to Belaya even before Toropets and Belaya joined Moscow. Rozhnya and Bibirevo in the 1520s and 1530s also went to Moscow. Finally, Dubna changed its size and status as a result of the border conflicts of the XV century and land policy in Russia of the XVI-XVII centuries. The location of the Zhukopsky pit marking the road crossing the Moscow-Lithuanian border has been established.
Citations count: 1
Trishin I. —
The use of data management technologies in the creation of historical Internet resources
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 18 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.2.38334 EDN: JTFMFO URL:
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In this article, special attention is paid to the problem of preserving and distributing the results of virtual reconstructions of historical and cultural heritage objects by creating specialized electronic reference books based on the Wordpress website builder. Using the example of the handbook on virtual reconstructions of estates in the Moscow region, the author shows how, with the help of modern data management technologies, it is possible to configure the system in such a way that its filling and administration take place with the least amount of time on the part of the authors of publications and the directory administrator. The main problem solved by such a system is the elimination of the need for manual entry of each article and subsequent approval of the publication in manual mode. The author of the study presents an approbation of the use of data management technologies in historical Internet resources. The systems presented in the article are used in industrial data management systems, but their availability allows them to be used in other fields of activity, including as an auxiliary tool in scientific research. Automatic transfer of data from the user's web form to a new directory page significantly speeds up the task of filling an Internet resource. The proposed version of the directory was created using the MySQL database, the Apache NiFi data orchestrator and the Wordpress website builder. All the listed tools are free and available for download on their official pages.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L. —
Invariants of Historical Information Science in a Changing World
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.1.29508 URL:
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The article discusses “invariants” of historical information science (concepts, categories and characteristics of this interdisciplinary research field) which have been practically unchangeable for its nearly 30-year development. At the same time, the dynamic development of new technologies, the “digital turn” in history brought out new challenges and made a number of historical information science categories update. The article touches upon some recent discussions on the relationship between historical information science and digital history affecting, in particular, the issue of the extent to which the digital turn which has dramatically expanded access to digitized historical sources may affect the analytical work of a professional historian.
Citations count: 1
Yumasheva J.Y. —
“The Most Important Art” in the Internet (Digital Collections of Online Newsreels and Documentaries)
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 19 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.2.29919 URL:
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The article crowns a series of reviews dealing with information resources created on the basis of online archival audiovisual documents and discusses collections of film documents. The author considers electronic finding aids (catalogs) and digitized collections of documentary, artistic as well as experimental and amateur cinema stored in various fund holders: archives, libraries and museums. Emphasis was laid on activities of international organizations which are in charge of film industry and archives of audiovisual documents as well as national institutes and cinematography centers carrying out research (theoretical and methodological) and thematic (specific historical projects) studies of film documents. The main research methods are historical-genetic, historical-typological and historical-comparative ones which were accompanied by problem-chronological, historical descriptive methods and the method of actualization. The research novelty is the composition of resources described and the historiographic method of their study as well as brief summary of traditional source-study methods for studying film materials and assessing their adjustment to the electronic environment. The article specially analyses the use of electronic copies of film documents in research practice.
Citations count: 1
Soloshchenko N. —
General Circulation Newspaper “Babaevets” as a Source for the USSR Food Industry History during the First Five-Year Plan (Content Analysis and Net Analysis Data)
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 23.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.2.35152 URL:
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The article considers "Babaevets" newspaper as a source for the USSR food industry history during the first five-year plan. The author studies the issue of formulating the correct methodological approaches for the most complete disclosure of the information potential of the factory press and introduces the materials of a little-studied source (the newspaper of P. A. Babaev’s confectionery factory) into scientific discourse. The article studies the texts of this paper by means of content analysis and network analysis. The study highlights the priority topics that were traced in the newspaper during the first five-year plan, analyzes their internal relationships, both explicit and implicit. The analysis provided for a conclusion that the source understudy is informationally rich as far as food industry history and the impact on workers’ mass consciousness in 1928-1932 are concerned. The author comes to a conclusion that "Babayevets" primarily covered the issues of production process management and ideological work with the staff. The problem of production efficiency was the main connecting element in the content of the newspaper. Special role of all levels of the factory management in achieving the indicators of the first five-year plan was emphasized by the newspaper explicitly and implicitly thus proving the status of the factory newspaper to be an official tool of the party committee.
Citations count: 1
Shpirko S. —
To Count the Absent (or the Problem of the Total Number of Genoese Merchants in Byzantium)
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 79 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.2.36061 URL:
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The author develops a mathematical-statistical approach to the problem of estimating the size of Genoese medieval population in Byzantium. The data source is notarial acts covering commercial partnerships, freightage, wills, purchase and sale of houses, goods and people drawn up in the Genoese colony of Constantinople at the end of the 13th century. The will form has a fairly uniform structure. In addition to the mandatory record of names of the contracting parties and witnesses of the transaction, it may also register names of the third parties. Thus, these data on the clientele of Genoese notaries represent a dataset which may indirectly indicate the size of the entire trading Genoese community of Byzantium. This approach is based on a constructed formalized model that describes the behavior of merchants when visiting and concluding a transaction attested by a notary. This makes it possible to pass in a natural way from the initial to the statistical problem of estimating the size of a finite aggregate and use this mathematical theory for its calculation. In this case, the author applies the approach associated with the use of the maximum likelihood function that is a novelty. The resulting formula allows (with a certain degree of probability) one to estimate the required size of the Genoese population. It is interesting that this estimate, on the whole, coincides with the result of A.L. Ponomarev obtained earlier for the same problem using Zipf's empirical law.
Citations count: 1
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Prosopography: on the question of periodization of the application of the method in historical research
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.1.37566 URL:
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The subject of this article is the history of the development and application of prosopography in historical research. The author proposes a periodization of the history of prosopography - a research method and an interdisciplinary direction of research (an auxiliary applied discipline). Particular attention is paid to the criteria for identifying the periods of development of prosopography and the history of the emergence of analytical (quantitative) prosopography, its source database, research methods and features of research. The source of useful materials is an extensive complex of materials collected by the author over the past 30 years. More than 5,000 publications on prosopographic studies carried out by foreign and russian historians in the period from the infection of the 19th century until now have been collected.
The main research methods used by the author in this work are the historical-comparative and historical-chronological methods, the method of analyzing historiographic sources used at different times to create and analyze information from prosopographic databases; the results of their processing, including the interpretation of income in the past development, as well as the presentation of prosopographic projects on the Internet and the use of modern information technologies. The scientific novelty of the study is carried out in the original classical periodization of prosopographic studies, combining foreign and domestic historiography of prosopography and studying it as the only premise.
Citations count: 1
Galushko I.N. —
Correcting OCR Recognition of the Historical Sources Texts Using Fuzzy Sets (on the Example of an Early 20th Century Newspaper)
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 102 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.1.40387 EDN: OCFBSP URL:
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Our article is presenting an attempt to apply NLP methods to optimize the process of text recognition (in case of historical sources). Any researcher who decides to use scanned text recognition tools will face a number of limitations of the pipeline (sequence of recognition operations) accuracy. Even the most qualitatively trained models can give a significant error due to the unsatisfactory state of the source that has come down to us: cuts, bends, blots, erased letters - all these interfere with high-quality recognition. Our assumption is to use a predetermined set of words marking the presence of a study topic with Fuzzy sets module from the SpaCy to restore words that were recognized with mistakes. To check the quality of the text recovery procedure on a sample of 50 issues of the newspaper, we calculated estimates of the number of words that would not be included in the semantic analysis due to incorrect recognition. All metrics were also calculated using fuzzy set patterns. It turned out that approximately 119.6 words (mean for 50 issues) contain misprints associated with incorrect recognition. Using fuzzy set algorithms, we managed to restore these words and include them in semantic analysis.
Citations count: 1
Frolov A. —
Dynamic Map as the Basis for GIS Historical Map
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 61 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.2.23355 URL:
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The article studies historical mapping on the basis of modern geographic information technologies. Today, historians are used to maps demonstrating historical dynamics by means of static images. However, dynamic maps which are more in line with the nature of historical research are considered more promising. The article describes different modes of transmitting reconfiguration of vector objects over time both in the desktop version of GIS-project and web-GIS. The approach proposed resides on data on the time when each objet appears and disappears (lower date and upper date) as its attributes. Basic principles of dynamic historical mapping were put forward around 20 years ago in English historiography. However, that map has not been widely used and specific solutions of its creation have not been discussed either. Rampant development of web-GIS technologies let us address the problem again. The research novelty is in the view on a dynamic map as a basic solution to develop a general GIS-platform integrating historical geography research results obtained by different historians. It is the first address to technical issues of a dynamic map creation in Russian literature.
Citations count: 1
Antopolskii A. —
Inventory of Information Resources of the Social Science Academic Sector
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 20 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.3.24014 URL:
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The article studies information resources of academic institutions related to social sciences and humanities. The author defines information resources data to be collected in the process of inventory as well as the inventory sphere and the source composition. Qualitative data on the main information resources categories (both traditional and electronic ones) are given.
The main resources are as follows: archival funds, funds of traditional libraries, museum funds, bibliographical lists and catalogues, periodicals, electronic libraries, databases and other AIS, reference resources, linguistic resources, encyclopedic resources, data on events, prosopography, photographic documents, audio documents and video documents, etc. The author discusses methodical issues related to information resources inventory accounting for the ongoing transition from traditional forms of creation and storage of various resources as well as access to them to digital forms. The article also addresses the issues of resources in the sphere of social sciences and humanities and academic resources. The author proposes a classification of resources and a database structure containing the inventory results. The author concludes that the inventory results can be used to solve the following problems: •acquisition of basic data for further coordinated development of information resources in academic institutions related to social sciences and humanities; •organization of efficient navigation within the information field of social sciences and humanities in academic institutions; •determination of parameters of a program to digitize library, archival and museum funds of academic institutions; • determination of parameters of a program to preserve (store in archives) valuable scientific digital information of academic institutions; • development of suggestions about conditions and prospects of information space development in the sphere of social sciences and humanities;• determination of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences’ role and place to coordinate the development of the information space within social sciences and humanities;• development of principles of constant recording, monitoring and evaluation of information resources.
Citations count: 1
Kuzmin Y.V. —
Manufacture of Airplanes in 1931-945 by World War II Countries: What War Was Expected?
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 27 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.2.26630 URL:
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The author has created a database containing information about airplanes produced in the 20th century. There are over 7000 records about airplane manufacture during 1931-1945 in six leading countries. It is the first time when data about airplane manufacture in the USA, the USSR, the British Empire, France, Germany and Japan during this period are presented. They are divided into three five-year periods as far as the purpose of airplanes is concerned. These are 1931-1935, 1936-1940 and 1941-1945. The author has analyzed the difference in the structure and the speed of airplane manufacture and assumed the reason for these differences related to military policy and political goals of the state as well. The result is that the structures of airplane manufacture in the 1930s were similar in the countries that later became allies and differed from the countries that later became Axis members. This is true as far as the ratio of fighters to attack aircrafts and bomber aircrafts is concerned.
Citations count: 1
Mikhaelis S.I., Mikhaelis V.V., Mikhaelis D.V. —
Methods to Visualize Historical Research Data: Courts of the Russian Empire after the Judicial Reform of 1864
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.3.35971 URL:
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The article studies the issues of information visualization to demonstrate the results of historical research. It shows how MS Excel and Tableau Public Desktop Edition software can be used to visualize data and generate ideas on the basis of big data sets as well as facilitate the process of scientific research. This software can be used to show data in the form of tables, graphs, and charts helping to present information on the Russian Empire’s court activity. This is the so-called presentation method of visualization which is introductory in its nature and focuses on the audience for which the report is performed. The research is based on statistics of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire and archival data for the period from the second half of the 19th century to the first quarter of the 20th century. It is concluded that today’s level of computing equipment allows researchers to have modern software tools at hand that provide for demonstrating results of their research at conferences, lectures, in dissertations, etc. The article can be used at scientific-methodical seminars of the departments, at professional development courses for teachers as well as to teach undergraduates and graduate students to present the research results.
Citations count: 1
Kabaev D.A., Chernyaeva L.L., Chernov S.Z., Goncharova N.N., Semenov A.S. —
Archaeological DNA Data from the XII-XIV Centuries from Ancient Klyazma Settlements
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.3.38562 EDN: TZSPVF URL:
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PaleoDNA testing is becoming one of the most complex areas of modern biotechnology. Modern technologies make it possible to qualitatively extract DNA and test it by various methods, including the determination of the Y-chromosome haplogroup and mitochondrial DNA.
The paper describes the results of determining the Y-DNA haplogroups of two ancient burial sites of the XII-XIV centuries from the middle course of the Klyazma. The data obtained make it possible to determine the Y-haplogroup by the markers identified in the study. The article describes the technology using bioinformatics methods and the result obtained, which with high probability determines the Y-haplogroups R1a-M458-L1029 and I1-Z58. This work summarizes the initial stage of research undertaken in 2019-2020. The first evidence of the presence of R1a-M458 and I1-Z58 among the Klyazma population of Northeastern Russia in the XII-XIV centuries not only supports the point of view of the presence of Y-haplogroup R1a for all medieval Russian lands (inhabited by descendants of Eastern Slavs), but also hints that a certain genetic unity with the western parts of the area of the Slavs may exist (since the most serious concentrations of R1a-M458 and I1-Z58 are observed in the western part of the Slavic area).
Citations count: 1
Kuzmin Y.V. —
Development of designs of four-seat airplanes in the XX century
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 56 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.3.38633 EDN: AZFGHQ URL:
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The work is devoted to the analysis of a specific sub-branch of airplane construction and, at the same time, to the search of general laws of technology development.
For the first time, a global picture of the development of designs of four-seat airplanes in the XX century is given, priority designs are identified.
It is shown that the development of four-seat airplanes goes through two stages: the search (until the end of the 1940s), when popular airplane schemes periodically replaced each other, the airplane characteristics varied greatly, and the second stage of mature technology.
In the second half of the XX century, both the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of four-seat airplanes remain almost constant and attempts to improve them did not lead to an increase in demand.
The change of technology generations was replaced by coexistence, when each type of construction worked out during the previous period found its market niche. The division of phases, the transition from generation’s change to their coexistence, is clearly visible when analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data of airplanes.
A paradoxical reaction of aircraft manufacturers to the decline in sales was found, expressed in increased design activity and an attempt to offer products with better technical characteristics. The inefficiency of such a reaction was shown.
It is revealed that, contrary to widespread opinion, the change of technological solutions in production is faster than in development. As a result, most of the market is captured not by pioneers and not by retrogrades, but by followers – those who use modern, but already tested technologies in their products.
At the same time, attempts to create and offer aircraft to consumers in a methodology that is no longer in demand have persisted unsuccessfully for decades.
Citations count: 1
Korsakov S.A. —
Virtual Reconstruction of Buildings of the Sennitsy Estate near Moscow: Sources and Research Methods
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 55 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.1.40389 EDN: OQGVUT URL:
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The problem of historical and cultural heritage preservation is very relevant these days. Increasing number of monuments is being destroyed every day; however, our compatriots are continuously becoming more interested in landmarks Russia. There has been a marked increase in the number of tourist routes in Moscow region. Numerous noble estates represent an important part of the region’s cultural assets. In Moscow region, there are lots of former estates of prominent families of the Russian Empire: today many of these properties are in ruins. Manor Sennitsy situated in Ozyory district of Moscow region is one of such gradually decaying cultural monuments with a rich history. This study analyzes a set of sources, on the basis of which the author creates a virtual 3D-reconstruction of manor Sennitsy in the period of late 19th – early 20th century when it was owned by the family of Count F.E. Keller. The source base for the study is very diverse: plans, drawings, cartographic materials, photographs, inventories of property, construction cost estimates. The author describes gradual process of 3D-modelling, in the framework of which softwares SketchUp and Twinmotion were used. The article pays attention to the history of Sennitsy’s construction and its owners. Reconstruction of buildings of the Sennitsy manor complex allows to visualize an image of the destroyed monument of culture, as well as to demonstrate high potential of using 3D-modelling methods in history. This study is carried out within the framework of the Project of reconstruction of appearance of the noble estates of the Moscow region, supported by the Department of Historical Information Science of the Faculty of History of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Citations count: 1
Garskova I.M., Borodkin L.I., Volodin A.Y., Frolov A.A. —
III-rd International Summer School for Young Scholars in Historical Information Science: New Facets of Interdisciplinarity
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 160 - 175.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.2.43562 EDN: SKUPXH URL:
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The article is devoted to the review of the School of Young Scholars which is being held for the third time by the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Association "History and Computer". The school attracts a lot of attention of students, postgraduates, young teachers and researchers from scientific centers of Russia and neighboring countries who want to get acquainted with information about the latest trends in the development of historical informatics as an interdisciplinary field of application of information technologies and methods of data analysis in historical research, to form a current understanding of data and methods of their processing in the subject field of historical research. The current trends characteristic of the modern stage of the development of historical informatics in Russia against the background of the experience of the development of similar "butt" directions in other fields of science and humanities are analyzed. Attention is paid to the changes in the landscape of the humanities in the first decade of the XXI century in connection with the processes of their digital transformation, the emergence of the multidisciplinary concept of Digital Humanities, the correlation of the content of historical informatics and "digital history". The actual problems of using the concept of "big data" and artificial intelligence for testing digital technologies and mathematical methods in solving analytical problems of historical research are considered.
Citations count: 1
Garskova I.M., Volodin A.Y., Vladimirov V.N. —
IV International Summer School of Young Scientists in Historical Informatics: Data Science and Digital technologies in the service of a historian
// Historical informatics.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 122 - 134.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2024.2.71228 EDN: YVLOAK URL:
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The article contains information about the international summer school of young scientists "Historical Informatics – 2024". The school was organized by the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Association "History and Computer". The purpose of the school is to introduce students to the latest trends in the development of the field of application of information (digital) technologies and methods of Historical Data Science in historical research, to form a modern understanding of data and methods of their processing in the field of historical science. This is the fourth Summer School in a row, which is held annually at the end of June and attracts a lot of attention from scientific youth. The school was attended by students, postgraduates and young scientists representing universities and scientific institutions from Russia and neighboring countries. The School lasts 4 working days. First, a lecture day was held, the next 2 days of classes were held in the format of master classes, during which participants had the opportunity to learn practical skills of working with methods and software. The final day included a plenary session, a conference of students and 2 round tables, then the results of the school's work were summed up. A memorable event of the school was a plenary report by a well-known expert in the field of artificial intelligence, K.V. Vorontsov, dedicated to artificial intelligence technologies in text analysis, information search and socio-humanitarian research, which caused a large number of questions and a lively discussion among the participants. Within the framework of the conference, scientific reports of students on various topics were presented, all of them made a positive impression on the audience, which included many teachers of the school. During the work of the final round table, an express survey was conducted regarding proposals on the topics of the master classes of the next school, in which the largest number of participants spoke in favor of artificial intelligence. The feedback from students received after graduation noted the relevance of the topic and the high scientific level of lectures and master classes.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L., Vladimirov V.N. —
Innovations and Traditons of Historical Information Science
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.2.23513 URL:
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The second 2017 issue of Historical Information Science journal is characterized. The main sections of the issue are presented. These are “Databases and Data Retrieval Systems”, “Quantitative History”, “Digital Resources”, “Information Technologies in Archives and Museums”, “Information Technologies in Historical Education”. The basic content of the articles is analyzed. Emphasis is laid on the articles describing the use of geoinformation systems in historical studies. The authors of these articles emphasize the necessity to modernize opportunities of spatial historical processes dynamics analysis on the basis of GIS-technologies. In this respect, they suggest the use of available GIS-packages as well as their own software. The editorial board plans to publish at least two issues of the journal and focus on research in this domain in one of them. The second issue is likely to address the analysis of historical texts based on modern software application.
Citations count: 1
Stepanova I., Savinova A.I. —
Resettlement of the Karelians in the Upper Volga Region in the Middle – the Second Half of the 17th Century: GIS-Technology Test
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 57 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.4.28508 URL:
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The article summarizes the study addressing the resettlement of the Karelians in the Upper Volga Region in the middle - the second half of the 17th century after entry of a part of Karelia into the Swedish state. The study applies GIS-technologies and focuses on the location and the number of the Karelians in the Upper Volga Region. The study is based on written sources: scribal descriptions and acts. For localization purposes the authors used additional sources of the 18th-19th centuries such as General Land Survey data, statistical descriptions and maps. They have created GIS layers with “Korelyane” settlements. The layers show resettlement dynamics from 1640s to the late 1670s. Attributive tables include data on population numbers. The research novelty is a detailed picture of mass resettlement of the Karelians in the Upper Volga Region and stages of this resettlement. The earliest settlements of “korelyane” are localized in Bezhetskiy Verkh on manorial and monastery lands. In the 1650s-1660s palace Karelian territories are formed in Bezhetskiy Verkh, Novotorzhskiy uezd and the southern part of Bezhetskaya Pyatina and Derevskaya Pyatina. In the 1670s the Karelians continued to resettle on manorial and monastery lands. By the late 1670s “korelyane” had settled the territories near such rivers as Mologa, Medveditsa and Tvertsa. They grew in number too. The author is the first to use some new sources to analyze resettlement and demography of Karelian immigrants in the central regions of Russia in the 17th century.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N., Krupochkin E.P. —
About the Necessity to Establish and Develop a Fund of Spatial Historical Data
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 160 - 168.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.1.29350 URL:
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The article addresses the creation and development of a spatial historical data fund. Nowadays we can talk about the readiness of the community of historical geoinformatics specialists to cooperate in the field of data storage and use. The article discusses similar studies both in domestic and foreign historiography. The authors propose a way to create a system for managing spatial historical data, consider some problems arising herewith and make suggestions about possible solutions. The main message of the article is that the amount of studies based on geo-information technologies has clearly begun to outnumber the quality. The article uses descriptive and historiographic methods. The main conclusion is the creation of a historical geoportal which, together with a historical spatial data fund, can be integrated into the national spatial data infrastructure. It seems that the idea to develop a historical geoportal should ground on both the convenience of fund navigation and the ability to perform analytical operations.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N., Krupochkin E.P., Sarafanov D.E. —
A Subject-Oriented Historical GIS (the Example of Barnaul Infrastructure in the Late 18th – Early 20th Centuries)
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 66 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.1.32091 URL:
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The article studies the infrastructure of Barnaul city in the second half of the 18th - early 20th centuries. The study aims at acquiring new systematic knowledge about the way the infrastructure of West Siberian cities developed, the influence of infrastructural objects on city ecology, the correlation of demographical and ecological factors influencing the city development and urban population reproduction. The study rests on an extensive source database including written, cartographic and photo documents stored mainly in the state archives of Altai Krai and Tomskaya Oblast as well as a number of published sources. The methodological basis of the work is the systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, the general scientific as well as traditional historical research methods. Geoinformation analysis based on the subject-oriented historical geoinformation system created is used as the main way to obtain new information. The article analyzes spatial aspects of the city infrastructure and ecological factors of its development and demonstrates changes in the disposition of infrastructural objects in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The article concludes that the negative impact of ecologically unfriendly city objects was exerted mainly through aggravating sanitary environment and ecosystems.
Citations count: 1
Strekalova N.V. —
Databases on the problems of studying social stratification and mobility of urban elites and the middle strata of Tambov in the late 19th - early 20th centuries: sources, structure, technology of complex analysis
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 50 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.36987 URL:
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The article presents the structure of source-oriented electronic databases created on the basis of personified mass sources that contain information about the population of Tambov in 1896-1917. The features and possibilities of using mass primary sources for the study of social stratification and mobility of the propertied strata of the population of the provincial center in the late 19th - early 20th centuries are analyzed. Methods of complex processing of electronic databases on social stratification and mobility of the population of a Russian provincial city in the late 19th - early 20th centuries are characterized.
The scientific novelty of the study consists of the use of information technologies to implement the method of social identification of the elite and middle layers of the provincial Russian city in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, the basis of which is the approaches and methods of theories of multidimensional stratification and social mobility. The information potential of the bases made it possible to conduct social ranking, analyze the social mobility of the elite and the middle strata of the provincial center in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
The presented methods and technologies for the creation and complex processing of source-oriented databases on the problems of social stratification and mobility of the elite and middle strata of Tambov in the late 19th - early 20th centuries can be used to study social processes in relation to other settlements, chronological periods, class-social and professional groups of the population.
Citations count: 1
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Document Resources of Foreign Archives in the Internet: Electronic Finding Aid (Part One)
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 75 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.2.26554 URL:
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The article reviews information retrieval systems (IRS, electronic catalogs, databases) developed and submitted on the Internet by foreign archives on the basis of information from their finding aids. The author has identified and analyzed a complex of portals (sites) of archival institutions (over 200) among which special attention was paid to the study and analysis of 87 archive information retrieval systems of 68 countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Latin America and Australia. The review uses two classical methods of historical research: the historical-comparative method and the historical-typological method which allowed the author, on the one hand, to compare the content and functionality of archival IRS and, on the other hand, to outline their typology. The topicality of the review is the introduction of a complex of foreign archival Internet resources of reference nature into scientific discourse with the aim to expand the potential source base of national historical science by introducing new information about documents stored in foreign archives. Taking into account the variability of the Internet environment, each new publication of annotated IRS descriptions is sure to be somewhat new.
Citations count: 1
Shchekotilov V.G., Shalaeva M.V., Shchekotilova S.N. —
Geographic Information Systems and Databases in Search of a Duty Area and a Death Place of the Missed in Action
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 123 - 145.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27122 URL:
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The article studies the use of GIS and DB to analyze text and cartographic materials of the information systems “Memory of the People” and “Memorial” and non-digitized materials of the Defense Ministry’s Central Archive to identify soldiers accounting for inexact data and data about those missed in action (after being wounded). The key element of the studies is the adjustment of the Great Patriotic War archival maps of the portal “Memory of the People” and a resource of the American Association of Historians “Gutenberg” to functionally use them in GIS and geoportal. The research methodology is the following techniques: step by step studies starting from a supposition through data search to a hypothesis, its test with the help of specialists and individual search for supporting documents with the aim to further perpetuate the memory of the fallen. The scientific component is the creation of database complexes covering the Great Patriotic War maps and those of the prewar periods as well as geocoded data, the formation of the regiments’ configuration, the cross-matching of data of reports on those lost, documents specifying the losses, memory books, financial statements, etc. The research novelty is the complex use of data of the Great Patriotic War maps, both old and modern ones, as well as data of the database “Memory of the People” and “Memorial” and other documents stored in the Defense Ministry’s Central Archive with the application of GIS, DB and authors’ software for cross-matching. The main conclusion is the efficiency of GIS and DB in search of data of those wounded soldiers who are considered missed in action.
Citations count: 1
Grishin E. —
Henry IV’s Spatial Mobility in 1063-1073 as the Factographic Basis for Information Dissemination in Medieval Germany
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 106 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27415 URL:
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The article studies spatial mobility and information dissemination within the medieval space. The research object is the factors of information conductivity such as geographical activity of the population and individuals as well as general spatial characteristics such as topographic conditions, population density and communication routes. The author pays special attention to the geographical outlook of the authors of narrative sources and their ability to remotely monitor Henry IV’s movements. Particular attention is paid to the influence of geographical imperatives that determine the content of sources. The author explains the distortion of localizations and inconsistencies of dates. The research method is the predominant application of the cartographic method followed by the space-time analysis. The research data were presented as a chronologically oriented geoinformation system. The research novelty is the topics raised. These are the information dissemination in a specific historical context and its influence on various aspects of historical processes. The author also stresses the importance of regular spatial activity of the population for studying historical geography of the region and potential and productivity of the information dissemination from the viewpoint of narrative sources analysis. From the viewpoint of methodology, the research significance is to demonstrate the capabilities of the complex geoinformation project for solving multiple problems.
Citations count: 1
Lyakhovitskii E.A., Tsypkin D.O. —
Infrared Text Visualization to Study Old Russian Scripts
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 148 - 156.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.4.31588 URL:
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The article studies the script as a material object that is the system of traces left by a writing medium on a writing material (paper or vellum). Traces of the writing medium are a combination of a relief and a dye (for instance, ink). The text understood as a combination of such traces is characterized by different dye thickness and its chemical composition on different text structure levels. Such differences are determined by varying aspects of the writing ability and can be used to characterize it. The article aims at presenting the advantages of a new electro-optical spectrozonal examination of historical inks to study handwritten scripts. It discusses the technology of digital visualization of documents in the near-infra-red region followed by computer processing of the image. The result of the work is the main research paths to study information potential of the text as a physical object (system of traces) by means of spectrozonal visualization. These paths are the study of writing medium traces to reconstruct the system of movements and the writing technique, the finding of zones written in different time and the search for corrections.
Citations count: 1
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Document Resources of Foreign Archives in the Internet: Electronic Finding Aid (Part Two)
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 146 - 172.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.26555 URL:
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This article is the final part of the review analyzing the content and functional features of information retrieval systems (IRS) (electronic catalogs, databases) of foreign archives created on the basis of the finding aid in the Internet. Each IRS is analyzed as far as the amount of information stored, adherence to international archival description standards, functionality (including extra search tools (directories) and integration of electronic copies of archival documents and information visualization methods) are concerned. The review employs historical-comparative and historical-typological methods allowing the author to compare information systems (sites, portals), identify typical and exclusive approaches and formulate general conclusions. On the basis of the analysis made, this part of the review draws conclusions in which the author emphasizes the main trends methods of the finding aid representation in the electronic environment develop, explains the features of archival description standards application for creating information retrieval archival systems and also raises the question of adequacy, completeness and reliability of archival IRS information from the viewpoint of research practice.
Citations count: 1
Hookk D. —
Documenting Archeological Excavations in the Digital Epoch
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 101 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.2.26811 URL:
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The study addresses documenting of field archeological research. Systematization of documenting methods in archeology at multiple levels and stages gives an opportunity to understand that modern computer-aided technologies are variants of traditional approaches that have gained new qualities. Special emphasis is laid on the issue of transition from traditional types of archeological records to digital ones as well as difficulties in technologies and special terminology. The problem of huge data and analytics is also in focus. The problem has been systematically analyzed. The research object is the ways to document archeological monuments at different research stages as well as the efficiency of a technology employed. The research novelty is two levels of archeological excavations documenting: the macro-level of an archeological monument and the micro-level of artifacts. All research methods of archeological explorations employed at both the levels differ as far as description of results is concerned. This description includes raw data storage formats and their visual presentation. The main conclusions state the opportunity to consider extra data on archeological monuments as the sources of objective information.
Citations count: 1
Gasanov A. —
Virtual Reconstruction of the Industrial Heritage: 3D-Reconstruction of the Architectural Appearance of Moscow Tryokhgorny Brewery Production Building at the Turn of the 19th Century
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 88 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.2.35984 URL:
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The article virtually reconstructs the historical appearance of Moscow Tryokhgorny Brewery production building in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through the decades, Tryokhgorny Brewery held the leading position in the brewing industry of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. This study describes virtual 3D-reconstruction methods applied, addresses the issue of using various source types (narrative, graphical and photographic materials) and considers the issue of data incompleteness. It briefly describes the history of Tryokhgorny Brewery and the subject of research and preservation of industrial heritage. The source base gathered led to the conclusion that its informative potential is enough for creating scientific virtual 3D-reconstruction. As a result, the renders of virtually reconstructed “Varnya” production building were created in Unreal Engine 4 software. In 2006 Tryokhgorny Brewery stopped working and turned into a possible industrial heritage object as its main buildings were constructed in the late 19th century. Historical research and virtual reconstruction of Tryokhgorny Brewery are specifically topical today because despite its importance as an object of industrial heritage it is in danger of complete destruction.
Citations count: 1
Basaeva E.K., Kamenetsky E.S., Khosayeva Z.K. —
Mathematical Model of the Strike Movement in Russia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 52 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0891.2017.1.22929 URL:
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Dynamics of the strike movement in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries is analyzed. Multiple statistical data on workers’ fighting for their rights in this period provides for effective use of mathematical modeling to better understand the causes for workers’ protest activity increase that was especially high in 1903. In particular, one can evaluate the role of activists in the strike movement development as well as the influence of repressions on activists’ popularity. The mathematical model by Andreev A.Y. and Borodkin L.I. has been modified to describe the interaction of authorities, activists and workers. The use of the modified model to describe the strike movement dynamics is given as an example. To test the model’s adequacy the calculation data were compared with corresponding statistical indicators. The results demonstrate that the model is rather good at describing the changing strike activity in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. When the influence of activists is generally low (1895-1899), it accounts for 10-20% of the strike movement. When it reaches the critical point, the role of activists in the strike movement growth increases sharply and becomes dominating in 1902 when this point is overcome. The model is also correct at describing the general trend of decreasing repressions by the authorities and the growth of activists’ influence.
Citations count: 1
Volodin A.U. —
Codes of the Digit: Answers to Difficult Questions
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 43 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.3.30992 URL:
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The article discusses effects of the “digital turn” in history, changes in the historical information science agenda, ratio of historical information science and digital history research fields in the context of rapidly developing digital humanities as well. The author also studies the impact of the “digital turn” on the structure of historical knowledge and its relation to research practice, summarizes discussions about benchmarks of technological influence on historical research and defines digital platform as an infrastructure solution combining analytical and resource components of historical research. On the basis of historiographical observations and consideration of the latest historical digital projects the author traces important changes in the field of historical knowledge. An attempt is made to find possible epistemological consequences of the “digital turn” in historical research, its impact on historical heuristics, criticism and interpretation. The article answers the questions of the editorial board of “Istoricheskaya Informatika” journal about the key trends, changes and experiences of the research community using information technology in historical studies. The author considers methodological understanding of the “digital turn” and by means of a labyrinth metaphor predicts further steps of a researcher to new evidence-based knowledge when he is armed with historical information science achievements.
Citations count: 1
Shpirko S. —
Probabilistic approach to modeling historical settlement systems: traditional view
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 79 - 86.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.36618 URL:
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In the process of studying the systems of historical settlement, researchers are increasingly drawing on ideas and methods of mathematical modeling. The most popular - the probabilistic approach - is based on the idea that a random factor plays a predominant role in the process of spatial distribution of the population. In particular, according to the widely used Poisson model, events involving the emergence of new (and the disappearance of old) settlements on disjoint sites and time intervals are independent of each other, and the probability of two or more such events at one site is extremely small (the corresponding random variable is distributed according to Poisson's law). The purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with the basic traditional principles of this approach, with the features of its methodology, current limits and possible new horizons for probabilistic modeling of historical settlement systems. To do this, our paper examines two studies, foreign and domestic, devoted to modeling the systems of historical settlement of different eras. In particular, it is pointed to the critical dependence of the approach, presented in these studies, on the scale and uniformity of the conditions of the territory under consideration. The way out of this situation is presented to the author of this paper by involving new types of data from historical sources for modeling, revising and rejecting unnecessary assumptions about the specific nature of the settlement process.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L. —
Historical Computer Science today: "ambiguous understanding"? (contemporary discussions)
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 33 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.37601 URL:
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The article contains a critical analysis of two theses presented in a recently published monograph on historical information systems. The book contains a lot of useful information, including a description of the author's experience in developing such systems. Both theses discussed are related to the authors' assessment of the evolution of an interdisciplinary field focused on the use of information/digital technologies and data analysis methods in historical research. We are talking about historical computer science, which has passed a 30-year path in our country. The first controversial thesis of the authors of the book boils down to the statement that "historical informatics has not found sufficient and deserved recognition among traditional historians." Â The first controversial thesis of the authors of the book boils down to the statement that "historical informatics has not found sufficient and deserved recognition among traditional historians." In the second thesis, we are talking about the fact that in many ways the field of research and development, previously related to historical computer science, is now being considered in line with digital history.
Both theses are disputed in the article, the corresponding arguments are given. The specificity of the Russian model of historical informatics, which distinguishes it from the relatively recent versions of digital history, is shown. This specificity is determined by the balance of the structure of historical informatics, combining its "resource" component with an analytical one aimed at obtaining meaningful meaningful results (and with an emphasis on the second component).
Citations count: 1
Aletkina E.Y. —
Reflection on the Problems of Labor Motivation in the Letters of the Oil Industry Workers of the Ural-Volga Region in 1956 (Content Analysis of the Territorial-Branch Newspapers "Neftyanik of Tataria" and "Neftyanik of Bashkiria")
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 135 - 154.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.4.39538 EDN: QMJQFJ URL:
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This article describes the experience of content analysis of letters from oil industry workers in 1956. New little–studied sources are being put into circulation - the territorial-branch newspapers "Neftyanik of Tataria" and "Neftyanik of Bashkiria". The purpose of the study is to research the system of motivation of workers of oil-producing enterprises of the Ural-Volga region through the prism of their letters to the editorial offices of territorial-branch newspapers. The object of the study are the letters of employees published in newspaper issues for 1956. The comparison of letters published in newspapers was carried out in two aspects: by type of newspaper publisher and territorial affiliation. The article describes the experience of content analysis of letters from employees of associations and enterprises of the oil industry. The text of the article describes the analysis of letter materials carried out using the MAXQDA computer program, which implements the basic content analysis method. The use of the program made it possible to obtain data on the characteristic problems of concern to oil workers, the links between the identified categories. The UCINET program was used to visualize the data. The obtained results expand the understanding of the sources used in research on labor motivation, as well as directly supplement the data on motivation and stimulation of labor in the post-war USSR. The content analysis of the revealed semantic categories of letters showed the special importance of the category "production management" for solving both industrial and social issues.
Citations count: 1
Mazur L.N. —
Incomes of scientists in the USSR in the 1920s (Based on materials from the budget survey of 1925)
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 41 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.3.43744 EDN: XRBBJI URL:
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The article examines the structure of income and the level of material well-being of scientists in 1925. The source base of the study is represented by the primary materials of the budget survey, which covered 16 cities of the USSR, including Moscow, Leningrad, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Novocherkassk, Perm, Rostov, etc. Total 282 forms of budgets of scientific workers – university professors, academic and museum workers, librarians, etc. have been preserved in the archive. The information from the budget form makes it possible to characterize various aspects of the life of scientists under the NEP, including income and consumption.
The information from the survey forms was systematized in a database and became the basis for studying the standard of living of various categories of scientists depending on their status and place of residence (capital/province). Budgetary data allow us to conclude that the position of scientists has noticeably worsened in comparison with the pre-revolutionary period. This manifested itself, firstly, in an increase in the workload due to the growth of labor standards at the main place of work and the spread of “part-time jobs” (more than half of the surveyed worked additionally in 1-2 places, had a private practice and other sources of income); secondly, in a noticeable decrease in the income level of the bulk of scientific workers who were not included in the "special" lists. The average monthly salary of a scientist at the main place of work is characterized by a high level of variability and was higher than the average salary of a worker in Moscow. High variability testifies to the processes of differentiation of scientists in terms of income, which depended on the status characteristics of a scientist, his activity, creating prerequisites for the selection of elite categories of scientists, in the 1930s. formed into a hierarchical system of teaching staff with an appropriate set of privileges.
Citations count: 1
Thorvaldsen G. —
Automating Historical Source Transcription with Record Linkage Techniques. Work in progress on the 1950 census for Norway
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 94 - 103.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25686 URL:
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The article addresses the issue of transcribing handwritten materials of the 1950 Norwegian Population Census. These are 801 000 scanned double sided questionnaires. Optical character recognition programs have been improving for over four decades. Now researchers aim to extend similar techniques to handle handwritten historical source material. The article analyzes studies carried by the Center of Historical Documents at the University of Tromsø which address handwritten text recognition as well as considers the use of various text recognition techniques as far as nominative sources are concerned. Since it is difficult to distinguish and separate individual handwritten characters, the words are mathematically clustered according to image similarity or searched for within sources that have been transcribed earlier. After the recognition quality control, the software uses the line numbers to place the information taken from the transcribed cells. After that the latter become a part of the census database. Moreover, special software has been developed to process handwritten numerical codes, data on occupations and education, etc. The methods offered in the article provide for handwritten texts transcribing quality improvement and can be used to recognize nominative source notes in Russia, for instance, parish registers and vital records. The main goals are still the search for methods and algorithms which optimally link different variables as well as the rationalization of interactive proofread methods.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N. —
Historical Information Science: Incremental Progress
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.2.26997 URL:
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The article studies the structure and the subject matter of the current issue of Historical Information Science Journal. Overpassing 25 years of its development, historical information science continues to move forward. Somewhat a mirror of this development that reflects the established traditions and new development trends of this special historical field is the cognominal journal which current issue is analyzed in the article. The content of each issue is formed randomly, but it is this combination of a row of random moments that allows us to trace the laws of the science development. The research methodology is to analyze the subject matter of the articles submitted and briefly review them. The novelty of the article is the fact that all the articles analyzed are published for the first time and describe authors’ original works. Each new issue of the journal cannot (due to its limited volume) totally cover modern application of mathematical methods and information technologies in historical studies and education, but it grasps the most topical and breakthrough moments of historical information science.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L., Vladimirov V.N., Garskova I.M. —
International Conference "Historical Research in the Context of Data Science: Information Resources, Analytical Methods and Digital Technologies"
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 250 - 264.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.4.34747 URL:
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The word "data" has recently become one of the key words in the semantic field of modern science. This happened due to a sharp increase in information flows in the economy and social sphere and the ongoing breakthrough in the development of methods and technologies for processing and analyzing data in the context of large-scale digitalization and the need to work with big data. This has led to the rapid development of data science. Historical science has been affected by these processes as well. The article discusses the course and results of the 17th international conference of the interregional association "History and Computer" held under the title "Historical Research in the Context of Data Science: Information Resources, Analytical Methods and Digital Technologies". Researchers from 7 countries took part in the conference held on-line. The article characterized the structure of the conference in details and the most interesting speeches of its participants. There were two plenary meetings, two round tales and 9 sections. The conference results show that historical computer science has entered a new stage of its development and has ceased to be perceived as a kind of "niche" area of historical science. New researchers are being involved in its development, the geography of scientific centers of historical computer science is expanding, their studies touch upon the most important issues of Russian and foreign history.
Citations count: 1
Kuzmin Y.V. —
Evolution of Fighter Aircrafts in the interwar Years: Cluster Analysis in History of Engineering
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 66 - 130.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.35084 URL:
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The article carries out cluster analysis of piston-engine fighters designed between 1920 and 1944 and takes into account more than 500 modifications of aircrafts that were serially manufactured in 18 countries. The author divides the period understudy into five-year segments and studies designs as far as such parameters as maximum speed, wing load and power load are concerned. Correlations of these variables are considered as well and special attention is paid to the correct distance determination. The article demonstrates dynamics of the main fighter characteristics between the world wars. It was found out that the main factor in the growth of fighter speed in 1920-1944 was the wing load related to modernization of profiles, quality and mechanization of the wing rather than growth of engine power of aircrafts. One can see repeating models of development in each period. These are a “power” approach that used new technologies “straightforwardly”, for instance, by totally increasing power loading, and a complex approach that provided for much better results. The author has revealed the leadership of the British aerodynamic school in 1920-1940 and has numerically demonstrated the change in the focus of the US design school from a "powerful engine - light aircraft" method to a "perfect aerodynamics - long flight range" method. He has shown the place of the Soviet design school as well. It has been found out that the last (during this period) sharp increase of wing load was not performed in the USSR and Japan. This led to rather low speed of fighters in these countries during the Second World War. The author discusses the reasons for this as well.
Citations count: 1
Rinchinov O.S., Rinchinova O.S. —
Database of Buryat Genealogies: Major Approaches and Implementation
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.36415 URL:
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The article develops a database of archival sources covering Buryat family trees. Genealogic data were traditionally very important for Buryat society as they were linked to such aspects as administrative arrangement, economic activity and marital relations. Special importance of family relations in social organization was seen in spiritual life as it actualized the cult of ancestors. In the context of ethnocultural revival observed in the recent decades, the social significance of information resources on Buryat genealogies is increasing. The funds of the Center for Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the IMBT SB RAS store a large number of materials on this topic. They were the basis the discussed database was developed on. To form a meta-collection of archival materials on this topic the authors used corpus analysis methods processing the general index formed on the basis of electronic archival cases titles of the Center for Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs. To organize the data the methodology of authority control is applied. The ontology scheme of a family tree includes descriptive categories "Family", "Place", "Person". This makes it possible to implement user-friendly methods of data aggregation and visualization - GIS, hierarchical trees, social graphs, etc. which are integrated into a web application. Digitalization of archival and rare book funds contributes to the identification and formation of thematic meta-collections similar to the corpus of archival sources on Buryat genealogies considered in this article. This opens up new opportunities for a comprehensive disclosure of historical and cultural heritage.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L.I. —
From information to knowledge: historical context
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 164 - 175.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.1.38024 URL:
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The article reflects the author's speech in the discussion club of the journal "Historical Informatics" at a meeting dedicated to the discussion of the collective monograph "Information. A Historical Companion", published in 2021 at Princeton. The author examines not only the history of the functioning and evolution of information in various historical societies, but also the social history of science and technology related to the production of information and its transmission, dissemination and processing. It is this second aspect of this publication that is discussed in the article, it is he who is of the greatest interest in the context of modern applications of Data Science in the social sciences and humanities, as well as discussions about historical information and historical knowledge in the "digital age". Starting from the materials of the Companion, the article discusses the following questions: What role did discrete and analog approaches play in the formation of the concept of information in the late 1940s? What was the mutual influence of the outstanding scientists who created the theory of information? To what extent can these achievements be of interest to the historical (and, more broadly, the humanities) sciences?
The position of the authors of the Companion is also discussed on the question of whether the concepts of "information" and "knowledge" should be associated with the position of the historian-researcher or with the perception of the subject of historical research? Peter Burke's point of view seems justified here, believing that throughout the centuries under consideration, people belonging to various historical societies were aware of information as a critical aspect of their lives.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L., Vladimirov V.N. —
Address to Authors and Readers of Historical Information Science Journal
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0891.2017.1.23010 URL:
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The authors mainly focus on the aims and goals of Historical Information Science journal that continues to publish articles within the frames of this interdisciplinary domain as it originally did 5 years ago in a different format though. In Russia this domain has been related to computer technologies and mathematical methods use in history and education for 25 years already. The authors state that its basis is a complex of theoretical and applied knowledge needed to develop, process and analyze electronic versions of various historical sources. Characterizing methods and technologies of historical information science the authors note the broadening of their potential due to the “microcomputer revolution” of 1980-1990s and two decades that followed. The conclusion is that the main issue addressed by historical information science specialists is the question: How do new methods and technologies enrich historical studies? This question is sure to be the key one in new issues of Historical Information Science journal.
Citations count: 1
Trishin I. —
Visual Digital Heritage Today: Review of the Conference “CHNT Congress Visual Heritage” (12-15 November 2018, Vienna, Austria)
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 152 - 157.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.4.28529 URL:
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23rd annual conference “CHNT Congress Visual Heritage” was held in Vienna from 12th to 15th November 2018. The conference focused on application of digital technologies to study cultural heritage and work with museums. Over 400 participants from 41 countries (29 from Europe, 6 from the Middle East and Asia, 5 from North and South America, 1 from Africa) visited this meeting. 239 reports were presented at 17 sections, 4 workshops, 2 training courses, 5 round table discussions and 9 general sections. Participants addressed such research methods as preservation and visualization of cultural heritage objects, photogrammetry, laser scanning, 3D-modelling, museum software development and many others. The article gives a review of the conference by a delegate from Lomonosov Moscow State University. The article describes the main aspects of the conference, key reports, the main sections and methodological problems of digital cultural heritage discussed.
Citations count: 1
Shchekotilov V.G., Lazarev O.E., Lazareva O.S., Shchekotilova S.N. —
Repository of Archival Maps and Geocoded Data: Goal-Setting, Audience, Structure and Functionality
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 152 - 159.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.1.29062 URL:
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The article addresses the formation of a repository of databases and computer programs in the field of archive cartographic materials of historical maps and geocoded data regarding goal-setting, audience, structure and functionality. The authors suggest that the object of storage be practical results of scientific research provided by authors, in particular those supported by grants. Databases of raster and vector electronic maps based on archival and historical maps, geocoded data, Internet navigators, websites can be repository objects. When forming the basic variant of a repository it is offered to use technologies of geographic information systems, databases and the Internet. The research novelty is the offers to form the steady environment for accumulation, preservation and effective automated functional use of practical results of researches in the form of databases based on raster and vector electronic maps, geocoded data, information models of space-time objects and also computer programs in the form of Internet navigators, geoportals, programs for database inquiries.
Citations count: 1
Volodin A.U. —
Discussion Club of Istoricheskaya Informatika Journal. Discussing the Book “What is Digital History?” by Hannu Salmi
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 161 - 167.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.35309 URL:
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This article reports about the new initiative of the Historical Information Science Journal editorial board aimed at creating a discussion club to review topical monographs. The journal today covers many fields of history digitization such as historical information science, digital history, digital humanities. The first discussion of the club addresses the book by the Finnish Science Academy professor Hannu Salmi titled “What is Digital History?” (Medford: PolityPress, 2020). The first club meeting was attended by L.I. Borodkin, V.N. Vladimirov, I.M. Garskova, N.G. Povroznik and moderated by A.Yu. Volodin. The article briefly characterizes the series the reviewed book is a part of. Those are “What is history?” series by Polity publishing house. The author describes the monograph structure in general and analyzes new historiographic examples provided by H. Salmi which relate to digital history discussions and issues which are characterized by numerous approaches, opinions and projects. Considering the writer’s definition of digital history as a “mobile layer of historical research with multiple approaches, projects, publications, services and sources” the author concludes that this field can hardly be precisely defined nowadays. This is true of the experimental character of the majority of projects within this sphere.
Citations count: 1
Garskova I.M. —
Historical Research and Digital History or How Much History is there in Digital History?
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 174 - 181.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.1.35408 URL:
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The article discusses the book by H. Salmi "What is digital history?". It is the first monograph that attempts to systematize many digital history issues from the viewpoint of a historian and culture researcher. While evaluating the conceptual problems of the relationship between digital history and digital humanities as well as digital history and historical science, the author considers Salmi’s historiographic review, reference apparatus and representativeness of Internet resources links. The content of the monograph is analyzed through the prism of the national school of quantitative history experience and from the standpoint of the national model of historical information science. The performed analysis allows the author to conclude that H. Salmi reasonably emphasizes the great “disciplinarity” of digital history, its ties with the subject area of historical science. The author of the book does not ignore quantitative methods either. His idea of the proximity of textuality and visuality seems to be interesting as well.At the same time, H. Salmi's monograph (traditionally for digital humanities) simplifies rather complex process of mathematization and informatization of humanitarian research in the second half of the 20th century. It seems that when describing the digital past, excessive attention is paid to technological progress while methods and technologies of digital data processing are relatively less in the focus.It can be concluded that the information support of historical studies can give digital history the necessary integrity and indicate a promising vector of its development.
Citations count: 1
Salomatina S., Garskova I.M., Valetov T.Y. —
The leading financial centers of the Russian Empire at the end of the nineteenth century according to interregional bank transfers statistics: network and geoinformation aspects
// Historical informatics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 104 - 126.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.37027 URL:
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The article examines the financial system of the Russian Empire in the form of money flows between the largest centers, implying that these flows were opposite to the flows of goods and services. The resource allocation pattern is thus revealed in aspects of the markets’ geography and hierarchy, which clarifies the capacity of the financial system to support economic growth. The source for this study is the statistics of the commercial transfers of the State Bank of the Russian Empire for 1898 (excluding treasury transfers), processed through network and geoinformation analysis. The study results show that the highest level of the payment network in the financial system topology of the Russian Empire was located around St. Petersburg and Moscow, which indicates a strong centralization of national money flows. To a great degree, Moscow was a nationwide wholesale center for the sale of goods and services, while St. Petersburg developed into the principal center for resource allocation throughout the country, implying various forms of investment in the economy. In such a centralized system, there was no great need for second-level interregional ties. For regional payment networks (the third level, around Odessa, Warsaw, Kiev, Riga, Baku, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kharkov, and Rostov-on-Don), closer and more intensive financial ties are revealed in the west, in the Odessa-Kiev-Warsaw “triangle”, which indicates a greater saturation of the western and southwestern regions with financial resources.
Citations count: 1
Grishin E. —
Spatiotemporal Technologies and Technique in Special Historical GIS-projects
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 74 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.2.23295 URL:
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The article studies a technique and technologies of dynamic historical GIS-projects development and the employment of spatiotemporal analysis to study historical processes. The study covers geoinformation systems, the use of cartographical method in history, electronic cartography, historical process modeling. The author pays special attention to a heuristic work with a historical GIS-map as well as regularities by searching for synchronized and consecutive alterations of attributive and metric data of map objects. The main method employed is a comparative one. The comparison is drawn between historical and mathematical GIS-projects. Historical geoinformation systems at hand have also been compared to analyze and search for more preferable variants. The research novelty is an attempt to set up basic principles of spatiotemporal analysis when working with historical GIS-projects. The author presents his own variant of a dynamic geoinformation system allowing for historical process modeling. The article concludes that historical geoinformation systems are a particular class of GIS-format projects demanding specific methodical and technological approach as well as development of specific functions for spatiotemporal analysis.
Citations count: 1
Chernenko D.A. —
Suzdalskiy Uezd in the Late 18th century: GIS-Mapping of the Territory Population and Development Processes
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 44 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.25057 URL:
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The article characterizes the use of GIS-technologies in historical and geographical research based on statistical and cartographic sources of the late 18th – middle of the 19th centuries. These materials born by the process of General Land Surveying in the Russian Empire provide for mapping and analyzing economical and demographical processes on the micro level: uezd – vladenie (possession) – rural settlement. The research object is a spatial network of rural settlements and possessory dachas of Suzdalskiy Uezd of Vladimirskaya Guberniya – a territory in Central Russia that has long been developed. The main research aim was to carry out total mapping of the uezd. The article demonstrates the opportunities of combining data of the Economical Notes to the General Land Surveying of 1770s-1780s with those of 1850s Mende Atlas, describes the principles of attribute-value table formation and arrangement of GIS-layers by the research topic. The result of the work is a series of thematic maps demonstrating the main parameters of the region’s development in the late 18th century. These are population density, settlements network density and their size, arable land development degree. The results show that these indicators significantly varied even within a relatively small uezd territory. This allows the author to structure it into different northern and southern districts contrasting even as far as their development is concerned.
Citations count: 1
Garskova I.M. —
Quantitative History in 1960s – 1980s in the USSR and its Role in the Development of Historical Information Science
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 7 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27672 URL:
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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the institutionalization of domestic quantitative history which began with the creation in 1968 under the leadership of I.D. Kovalchenko of the Commission on the Application of Mathematical Methods and Computers in Historical Research at the Branch of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Today it is necessary to once again emphasize the important role that the quantitative history has played in the development of not only historical information science, but other areas of scientific history in our country as well. The article analyzes those features of the national school of quantitative history which ensured its relevance and interaction with other interdisciplinary areas in historical research, primarily with historical information science, and which remain relevant today. The ongoing development of the Russian model of historical information science against the backdrop of the crisis of “historical computing” in the West confirms the thesis about the balance of the analytical and informational components of the Russian model which is largely ensured by interaction with quantitative history and tradition of testing new methods and technologies for processing and analyzing information of historical sources in historical research for producing meaningful results.
Citations count: 1
Shpirko S. —
Variational approach in modeling the rural historical settlement: a model of a two-level hierarchy of centers
// Historical informatics.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 93 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2022.3.38579 EDN: ANNEIQ URL:
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The subject of this study is the modeling of the spatial distribution of the medieval population. To take into account the conditions of heterogeneity of the territory in modeling, the author develops a variational approach proposed by S.M. Huseyn-Zadeh. The model is based on the idea of settlement, placement of the population on the territory as a process in which each of its participants is guided in their activities by achieving goals dictated by natural considerations, for example, maximum accessibility to their cultivated area, maximum proximity to the central settlement (center). Using the methods of calculus of variations and the concept of Pareto optimality within this approach makes it possible to identify and numerically describe the relationships between the optimal parameters of the system. In the previous paper, the author proposed a model of a one-level hierarchy of the placement of centers (central settlements). Additional analysis of historical material leads to the need to refine the model, namely, adding a hierarchy of centers to it. In this regard, this paper proposes a model of spatial placement with a two-level hierarchy of centers.
The approbation of the proposed model is carried out on the material of the scribal books of the Shelonskaya Pyatina of the Novgorod land of the end of the XV century. The high degree of conformity of the obtained theoretical and empirical data allows us to consider mathematical modeling as an adequate and convenient auxiliary tool in studying the nature and dynamics of historical rural settlement systems.
The possibilities of the proposed modeling also in terms of filling data gaps are demonstrated by the example of the task of reconstructing the approximate population of the Shelonskaya Pyatina of the considered time period.
Citations count: 1
Volodin A.U. —
“Digital Humanities-2023” in Graz live: ideas, methods and pumpkin seed oil
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 167 - 175.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.4.69431 EDN: CAKKUT URL:
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The article presents the observations of a live participant of the “Digital Humanities -2023”, held in Graz, Austria in the summer of 2023. The “Digital Humanities” Congress is held annually by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
Digital Humanities (DH) are at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities. It involves the development and use of digital resources and methods in the humanities, as well as the analysis of their application. DH scholarship means collaborative, transdisciplinary, and computationally engaged research, teaching, and publishing.
The annual ADHO Conference on Digital Humanities is the central and largest event of the international Digital Humanities community and brings together scholars from around the world, providing them with a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and research results, and to promote future collaboration.
Particular attention is paid to historical issues presented at the congress, both in workshops and at section meetings and poster presentations. Statistical observations are presented, and a frequency analysis of the occurrence of keywords is carried out. The main conclusion of the study is the observed trend towards an increase in historical reports, posters and workshops.
A noticeable increase in interest in historical sources, historical databases and geographic information systems, and virtual reconstruction of the past using a wide range of digital humanities research tools is noticeable (in comparison with the programs and publications of past Digital Humanities congresses).
The 2023 conference theme, “Collaboration as an Opportunity,” is about the transdisciplinary and transnational collaboration, showing how increased cross-national collaboration—across continents and geopolitical locations—can transform regional knowledge hubs into international networks of excellence in research for the benefit of the global digital humanities community. Historians have firmly taken their place in contemporary digital humanities research.
Citations count: 1
Trishin I. —
Creation of Software on the Basis of Unity 3D Game Engine to Reconstruct Facades of the Saint George Cathedral in Yuriev-Polskiy (Vladimirskaya Oblast)
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.2.26602 URL:
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The study aims at 3D reconstruction of the Saint George Cathedral facades (Yuriev-Polskiy) on the basis of white-stone décor by means of special software creation. The article discusses the creation of such a program which provides for reconstructing minute objects when merging their full-size models. The program is sure to be of interest both to scholars reconstructing cultural heritage monuments and readers who are interested in innovations in this field of history. The main methods are photogrammetry (digitization of stone reliefs) and programming of Unity 3D work C# environment. The author’s main contribution to this study is the creation of his own software designed for a user with minimum PC skills. As far as there are no specialized programs to reconstruct objects, the author hopes to help those who study the Saint George Cathedral and stimulate further ideas of software development in the sphere of historical and architectural studies. The result of this study is the program that is now being modified and tested.
Citations count: 1
Garskova I.M. —
International Conference “Analytical Methods and Information Technologies in Historical Studies: from Digitized Data to Knowledge Increment”
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 143 - 151.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.4.28538 URL:
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The article analyzes reports made at the 16th conference of the Association “History and Computer” (AHC). Comparative analysis of the association’s conferences over the past years allows one to see both traditional and new trends national historical information science follows in the digital age, identify the main theoretical and applied problems related to the use of information technologies and mathematical methods in historical research when information resources rapidly grow and require adequate analytical methods and approaches. The article continues the work to classify and dynamically analyze topics addressed at by AHC’s conference participants as well as study the main ways national historical information science has been on since the early 1990s. The informational basis of the study is a growing full-text historiographic collection and a bibliographic database of AHC’s publications. The study has demonstrated that the conference reports correspond both to the information trend to create and use digital resources, databases, historical GIS, 3D reconstructions of historical and cultural heritage objects and to the trend to process and analyze historical sources with the help of computer simulation methods, mathematical statistics, content analysis, network and spatial analysis i.e. analytical tools necessary to grasp large arrays of digital online sources.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N., Frolov A. —
All-Russian Scientific Workshop “Geoinformation Systems in Historical Research: Integration Approaches”
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 128 - 132.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.1.29070 URL:
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The article discusses a scientific workshop held in January 2018 at the history department of Lomonosov Moscow State University called “Geographic Information Systems in Historical Research: Integration Approaches”. The workshop discussed the achievements and problems of GIS usage in historical research. The central issue was the problem about the creation of historical spatial data repository as well as the way to integrate geodata collected by various research teams and individual researchers working in the field of historical geo-information systems. The authors analyze the viewpoints presented in the main reports and their argumentation and briefly describe the main reports during the round table. The problem of creating a historical geodata repository is new to the national historical science. It has not been completely solved by foreign researchers either. The professional community has recommended to further develop both domains of this problem field discussed at the workshop - accumulation of geodata and aggregation of metadata.
Citations count: 1
Zhukov D.S., Kanishchev V.V., Lyamin S.K. —
Modeling of Demographic Processes in the Late Soviet Village: 1959-1989
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 43 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.4.30639 URL:
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The article presents the results of modeling demographic strategies of 1.5 thousand Tambovskaya Guberniya rural settlements in 1959-1989. The authors consider methodological and tool aspects related to the formation of a fractal model and computer experiments based on it. They have determined the values of governing factors affecting the formation of collective goal-oriented ideas about the expected migration rate and the rate of population's natural increase or decline. The results obtained can arguably be extended to a few similar regions of Russia. This study is sequel to previous works where models for the period from the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century have been set forth. Modeling has demonstrated that there are two groups of settlements: migration donors and migration recipients. During the period understudy the rural population (when setting their life goals) relied mostly on migration which evidently was a depressing agent for natural increase. Nevertheless, the majority of peasant societies were open to a certain natural increase.
Citations count: 1
Kattsina T.A., Shestakov V.N., Pomazan V.A. —
Descriptive statistics and visualization of historical data on charitable institutions in Eastern Siberia in the 19th century.
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 10 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.4.68781 EDN: TNFXTT URL:
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The article presents the potential of information technologies and descriptive statistics in solving research problems aimed at revealing the possibility of assessing the effectiveness of accumulated historical experience in such an important area as social work. The purpose of the work is to create tools for a descriptive analysis of historical data on charity institutions in Eastern Siberia XIX century. The methods of research are: data previously collected from diverse archival sources; descriptive statistics in the form of contingency tables and diagrams. The article presents visualized generalized data that allows one to evaluate and interpret the volume, structure and dynamics of charitable assistance in XIX century Eastern Siberia.
The subject of the research is institutions of public charity in Eastern Siberia in the 19th century. The novelty and value of the research lies in the original structure of the database, the purpose of which is to systematize and summarize the main characteristics (organizational, financial, socio-demographic) of charitable institutions in their dynamic development and based on a wide range of written sources: office documentation; reference and statistical materials; annals. The specifics of the source base and the goals of the study determined the use of an interdisciplinary approach, which was built primarily on the basis of a synthesis of historical, sociological and information knowledge. Using methods, descriptive statistics and visualization of historical data, the capabilities of the database for systematization, analysis, synthesis and grouping of information are characterized. The study contributes to the elimination of territorial and problematic imbalances in the study of the network of charitable institutions in the Russian Empire, ensures effective systematization of primary information into a database, which is an information product of multi-purpose use, the structure of which is not related to the structure of source documents, and its value as an integral source lies in the subordination content of a specific research problem.
Citations count: 1
Kartashova M. —
Earning Capacity of Russian Empire Homecrafts in the Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 154 - 173.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0891.2017.1.21938 URL:
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The object of the study is craftsmen's incomes. Territorial frames cover the whole of the Russian Empire including the central guberniyas, the Asian part of Russia, the Caucasus, the Kingdom of Poland and Finland. The study addressed groups of occupations and territories. The author examines in detail the earning capacity of farms in Kaluzhskaya, Vologodskaya and Voronezhskaya guberniyas accounting for budget survey data. At the second stage of the study the author employed the database "Home Crafts of the Russian Empire" created on the basis of unpublished and published sources. The database includes 7 tables and over 10 thousand records and informs about incomes of craftsmen in relation to a handicraft type.The author employs such statistical methods as factor analysis and correlation software in MS Excel and SPSS Statistics. Microsoft Access DBMS is analyzed.It is the first time when the earning capacity of homecrafts has been studied to cover the whole territory of the Russian Empire. In contrast to income in kind characteristic of agriculture, homecrafts could boast cash income. Homecraft income was not directly related to the size of a peasant's ploughed area. The biggest homecraft income was in Finland, the Kingdom of Poland and Turkestan. High incomes were among craftsmen in the Caucasus and Yakutskaya Oblast. The conclusion is the low earning capacity of home crafts, their close relationship with agriculture and stability of multifunctional farms. These are the farms Stolypin's reforms placed stake on.
Citations count: 1
Grishin E. —
Specialized Editor for Historical Geoinformation Systems “Bibliosof-IGIS”: Technological and Methodical Function Bases
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 56 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.25070 URL:
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The article studies functions and software for historical geoinformation systems. The research object is historical geoinformation systems, dynamical GIS-projects creation technologies and means of spatiotemporal analysis. The author considers separate structural parts of IGIS-resources creation service in detail. Emphasis is laid on auxiliary materials for historical GIS-cartography, in particular, to the sample base of conventional values and means of historical geoinformation systems unification. The study employs descriptive and comparative methods to demonstrate advantages of the proposed GIS-editor conception for historical maps and projects better. The author describes his variant of a specialized historical geoinfirmation system editor that takes into account specific functions of spatiotemporal analysis. Distinctive features of this resource in comparison with common editors are considered as well. The article concludes that historical GIS-projects need specialized software and functions and only close cooperation of historians and GIS-specialists will lead to an optimum tool set of historical maps and geoinformation systems.
Citations count: 1
Grishin E. —
The Reference Database of Symbols for Historical Maps: General Concept, Methodology and Application
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 38 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25698 URL:
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The study aims at unifying the technique of historical mapping and creating a database of symbols for historical maps and geoinformation systems. The author substantiates the advantages of a general symbol set to simplify the reading of cartographic materials and formation of a uniform standard to improve interaction between specialists. Basing on a variety of examples from atlases and cartographic materials the author analyzes historical map legends. He finds optimum solutions providing for the choice of symbols and legend structuring. Comparative method is used. The author examines the existing lists of standardized symbols in other domains of cartography and compares different situations of legend formation in historical mapping. Chronological approach is employed as well to demonstrate the association of map structure complexity with higher requirements to legends. The main research value of the article is the formulation of methodological and technological grounds providing for creation of uniform database of historical map symbols. It is the first attempt to move forward within a sector of historical mapping which somewhat lacked previous base. The article presents the general structure of the reference symbol database, its main resources, the ways of its seeding as well as the algorithm of electronic symbol database creation as a full value tool to form historical maps and geoinformation systems.
Citations count: 1
Antopolskii A. —
Information Resources of the History Academic Sector as a Source of the Unified Russian Electronic Knowledge Space
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 14 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.26005 URL:
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The article studies how to use the results of the survey of academic information resources to design the Unified Russian Electronic Knowledge Space (UREKS). The study carried out earlier in the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (ISISS (INION)) of the Russian Academy of Sciences covered institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations dealing with social sciences and humanities. This article describes information resources of the history academic sector and discusses the distribution of historical information resources by the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (DHPS) of the RAS, provides the reader with statistics about the information resources owned by the DHPS institutions and enumerates other categories of academic institutions. For analytical purposes the author employs the information resources typology used in the ISISS of the RAS when the navigator of information resources in social sciences (NIRSS) was being created. The article also gives examples of the information resources of the RAS institutions and formulates the goals of information resources catalogue publication. The author puts forward the principles of UREKS formation which demand the study of resources similar to the described one. The article concludes that these are academic information resources (as the most reliable ones) that could be the initial UREKS sources. Herewith, the NIRSS resources must be qualitatively estimated.
Citations count: 1
Zhurbin I.V. —
Complex Studies of Archeological Sites and Geoinformation Analysis of Interdisciplinary Data
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 89 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.3.27100 URL:
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Modern approach to the study and preservation of archaeological sites is based on the complex application of natural-science and archaeological methods. The development of archeological site study algorithm (aerial photography, geophysics, soil examinations, etc.) is a topical research trend. An effective tool to compare different data is a geographic information system which contains not only traditional cartographical and thematic layers, but also transformed maps (which result from the application of operators to initial maps) and interpretation layers (which result from the comparative analysis of the transformed maps). The article addresses the Kushmanskoe settlement dated 9th-13th centuries AD. It was one of medieval Finno-Ugrian settlements in the basin of Cheptsa river (the northern part of the Udmurt Republic). To interpret the interdisciplinary data complex the author offers informative markers to estimate the preservation state of the cultural layer and decision rules to recognize the areas with characteristic properties. As a result, the author has determined the boarders of the settlement parts with different preservation state of the cultural layer: that with transformed surface and a substituted one. He has also found a part of “household periphery” Uchkakara – a boarder of the cultural heritage object. The analysis of mutual alignment of geophysical anomalies related to local underground objects let the author reconstruct proper layout of the settlement.
Citations count: 1
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Audiovisual Archives in the Internet. Part One: “In the Beginning Was the Word …”
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 84 - 110.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.4.28149 URL:
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The article is the first part reviewing audiovisual archives and presentation of their collections in the Internet. In this series of articles the author will deal only with audiovisual documentation on transparent (film) or specialized media. In case archival collections include born-digital audio recordings, photos, video films and video fragments, this will be stipulated in particular. The first article studies audio archives and collections that can be conventionally divided into several categories. The first one is musical archives containing records of folk music, classical music and popular music; radio archives. From a historical point of view, reports and interviews are of interest in these collections as they reflect history of everyday life and mentality of contemporaries of historical events. The second category is audio archives of research centers studying ethnography, anthropology, oral history, memorial (personal) history, linguistics, etc. The research methods are historical and systemic, historical and comparative, historical and typological as well as historical and descriptive methods. The study is a historiographical review of the current state of audiovisual information archives in Russia and abroad and presentation of their collections in the Internet. Finding aid, digitized collections, permanent electronic expositions and thematic online exhibitions are a small list of forms to present audiovisual information.
Citations count: 1
Borodkin L., Vladimirov V.N. —
Digital Technologies and Resources in Historical Research: Discussions and Experience
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.2.30239 URL:
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The article discusses topical issues of the development of methodological tools of historical research in the light of the “digital turn”. The current agenda is formed today in the framework of international conferences and round tables. In the first part of the article the authors characterize the interdisciplinary discussion that took place at the Helsinki conference in 2019. The discussion focused on the role of digital data and tools in historians' research practices and forms of cooperation. Special attention is paid to the question of the extent to which the “digital turn” affects the fundamental aspects of historical research and its results. In the second part of the article it is noted that the answer to this question can be obtained through concrete historical research projects. The characteristic of a number of the latest works of Russian and foreign historians using digital resources and technologies in concrete historical research is given.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N. —
Beyond the Digital Turn: the Story Continues
// Historical informatics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 31 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2019.3.31023 URL:
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The article discusses the impact of the digital turn on historical research and education. It analyzes the development of historical information science in Russia, its relationship to such areas as digital humanities and digital history. The author studies the correlation of two components of historical information science – a resource component and an analytical one. The conclusion is made about the continuing predominance of analytical studies. The article briefly describes the impact of the digital turn on historical education and considers some aspects of the development of historical source studies in this period. Particular attention is paid to terminology which is rapidly changing and requires increased attention of specialists. The article uses both historical and logical approaches when describing its main provisions. The research novelty is the fact that all the provisions of the article are based on the analysis of modern state of in historical science and education which is constantly changing and has several multidirectional development vectors. The author concludes that historical information science is still the main field of application of mathematical methods and digital technologies in history.
Citations count: 1
Zhukov D.S., Kanishchev V.V., Lyamin S.K. —
Factors of Demographic Processes in Russian Agrarian Society in the Second Half of the 19th – Late 20th Centuries (Tambov Region Data)
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 89 - 102.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.3.33820 URL:
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This paper outlines factors that impacted the change of demographic behavior of the rural population of the Central Black Earth Region from the middle of the 19th century to the late 20th century. Factor scores have been determined when modeling demographic processes in 1,500 rural settlements. The authors rely on a classical view that late traditional society was highly dependent on negative natural events, characterized by low migration and strong ties of birth rates with death rates. It has been shown that extraordinary positive factors (the rise of zemstvo medicine in particular) stimulated unlimited natural growth. Short-term stress factors (wars, hunger and epidemics) led to compensatory reproduction. The authors also come to a conclusion that modernized society (the latter half of the 20th century) had more complicated relations between demographic behavior factors. The evolution of modernized micro-communities (individual settlements) was subjected to a great number of nonlinear effects. The data demonstrate that the agrarian society at the time continued the move to natural growth although to a lesser extent than during the previous stages. However, the results of such an intention were largely neutralized by migration.
Citations count: 1
Voronkova D.S. —
The experience of computerized content analysis of articles of the journal "Bulletin of Finance, Industry and Trade" for 1917
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 85 - 106.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.3.43663 EDN: XELKNL URL:
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The subject of the research is the materials of articles of the journal "Bulletin of Finance, Industry and Trade" for 1917 – the leading printing body of the Ministry of Finance. The methodological basis of the article was a computerized content analysis, which made it possible to fully reveal the information potential of the source. Special attention is paid to the construction of a representative system of semantic categories and indicators based on the frequency dictionary, which revealed thematic priorities and semantic accents in the entire array of issues of the "Bulletin ..." in the specified year. The analysis of the frequency of occurrence of the created categories (including joint ones) in dynamics by quarters is carried out. The interrelationships of the categories make possible conclusions based on the argumentation of the authors of the journal articles. The materials of Vestnik ... have previously attracted the attention of scientists, but only now, with the help of computerized content analysis, a hidden layer of information contained in it has been introduced into scientific circulation, which is the scientific novelty of the work. The content analysis showed that the journal "Bulletin of Finance, Industry and Trade" reflected the situation and processes in the socio-political sphere in the country and abroad that developed in the economy at the turning point of 1917, unfolding against the background of the ongoing First World War. The main core of the constructed system of semantic categories turned out to be financial issues in close connection with the industrial, trade and tax spheres, as well as problems caused by the war and growing in the economy and society.
Citations count: 1
Slonov V.N., Kocherzhenko O.V., Shabanov V.L. —
Archeological Cultural Type: The Problem of “Life Cycle” for Archeological Artifacts System (Evolution of Ceramics within the Eastern Europe’s Steppe Belt in the Bronze Age)
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 28 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25331 URL:
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This work crowns a series of studies addressing the forms of ceramics within the Eastern Europe’s steppe belt in the Bronze Age. These studies aimed at searching for the internal structural arrangement of complexes of ceramics forms as a complicated system with its own laws of development. The form of a vessel was represented as a set of quantitative markers describing its profile. The study covers vessel complexes belonging to Srubnaya, Sintashtinskaya, Dono-Volzhskaya Abashevskaya cultures, cultural formations of KMK circle as well as Pokrovskiy cultural type. When studying complexes of ceramics forms the authors employed cluster analysis with subsequent consideration of the group size correlation diagram and non-compactness ratio of the groups. Structural arrangement of complexes of ceramics forms has been found for a number of cases. The first arrangement corresponds to a reverse power (“hyperbolic”) law dependence on the correlation diagram whereas the second one corresponds to a logarithmic dependence. For complexes with such structural organization the term "archaeological cultural type" (ACT) is proposed. It is shown that ACT has its own "life cycle" consisting of three periods. These are the advent, the hey-day and the decay.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirov V.N., Kashaeva Y.A., P'yankov S.V. —
International Research to Practice Conference “From the Map of the Past to the Map of the Future”
// Historical informatics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 104 - 108.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.1.25702 URL:
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The article describes the subject matter and significance of the international research to practice conference "From the Map of the Past to the Map of the Future" held on November 29 - December 1, 2017 in Perm. The course of the conference, the topics and the content of the main reports and participants are reviewed. The structure of the conference gets specific consideration. It includes the plenary session, foresight sessions and speaker sessions, problem discussions, open popular science lectures, a practical workshop, etc., thus unleashing the potential of the participants. The research methodology is based on the analysis of topics and issues discussed and on determining the place of the conference in modern scientific discourse. The conference materials are considered from the standpoint of historical geoinformatics which can boast a separate session on the conference schedule. The authors conclude that not only professional conferences are important and useful for historians and other representatives of humanities, but also scientific forums of specialists in the field of modern information technologies.
Citations count: 1
Bryukhanova E.A., Nezhentseva N.V., Chekryzhova O.I., Ivanov D.N. —
A Database Built on the First 1897 Russian Empire Population Census Data: Structure and Analysis
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 20 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.1.32387 URL:
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The article presents the potential use of primary materials of the First General Census of the Russian Empire taken in 1897 for historical studies. Emphasis is laid on the composition and the structure of 1897 census materials, the database architecture as well as the technique to study nominative sources and compare aggregated and personal data. In the first part of the article the authors provide an overview of publications that contain information on the safety of 1897 census papers in Siberia. The second part of the article describes the creation and the structure of the database covering the primary materials of the First General Census of the Russian Empire taken in 1897. The third part of the article presents the main approaches to the analysis of the census data. When developing the database, the authors sought to cover the information of all census paper forms at most and preserve internal ties between them (counting sheets – “oblozhki” - census papers). Particular attention is paid to the development of an intuitive interface for all forms of data entry corresponding to census paper forms. The database mainly covers the census information for 8 cities of Tobolskaya Guberniya. The research novelty is the application of a new technique to identify personal data and analyze the census material structure which can be traced in the architecture of the 1897 census database.
Citations count: 1
Galushko I.N. —
The use of topic modeling to optimize the process of searching for relevant historical documents (on the example of the stock exchange press of the early 20th century)
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 129 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.2.43466 EDN: SKBPNS URL:
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The key task of the presented article is to test how we can analyze the information potential of a historical sources collection by using thematic modeling. Some modern collections of digitized historical materials number tens of thousands of documents, and at the level of an individual researcher, it is difficult to cover available funds. Following a number of researchers, we suggest that thematic modeling can become a convenient tool for preliminary assessment of the content of a collection of historical documents; can become a tool for selecting only those documents that contain information relevant to the research tasks. In our case, the Birzhevye Vedomosti newspaper was chosen as one of the main collection of historical documents. At this stage, we can confirm that in our study, the use of topic modeling proved to be a productive solution for optimizing the process of searching for historical documents in a large collection of digitized historical materials. At the same time, it should be emphasized that in our work topic modeling was used exclusively as an applied tool for primary assessment of the information potential of a documents collection through the analysis of selected topics. Our experience has shown that, at least for Birzhevye Vedomosti, topic modeling with LDA does not allow us to draw conclusions from the standpoint of our content analysis methodology. The data of our models are too fragmentary, it can only be used for the initial assessment of the topics describing the information contained in the source.
Citations count: 1
Orekhov B.V. —
Text and knowledge in the aspect of large language models
// Historical informatics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 104 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.4.44180 EDN: BJQBQB URL:
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The focus of this text is on the influence of large linguistic models on the self-determination of the humanities. Large language models are able to generate plausible texts. It seems that they thus become on a par with other tools that, throughout the development of technology have freed people from routine. At the same time, for the humanities, the individualization of the generated texts is very great, and knowledge itself is closely related to its textual embodiment. If we agree that knowledge is a text, and embodied in another text, another knowledge appears before us, then humanities will have to answer the question of how a text generated by a person differs in value from the same text generated by a machine. The text of the work raises methodological and epistemological problems of the correlation of texts of natural and artificial origin if they are made in the genre of a scientific work. The difference between such artifacts is clearly visible only for some scientific disciplines, and raises questions about the rest. These issues should be resolved with the help of deep reflection, which was not so urgently needed in the last centuries of the development of the humanities, but which is now required from a humanitarian scientist. The humanitarian will have to explicitly oppose himself to large language models and prove the importance of his work compared to what a neural network can generate.
Citations count: 1
Garskova I.M. —
Network Analysis of Historiography: Dynamics of HCA Network Interregional Elements Formation
// Historical informatics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 112 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2017.4.25078 URL:
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The article is the author’s second one considering network analysis of historiography of the History and Computer Association (HCA) from 1992 to 2016. The former article studied dynamics of the composition and structure of the HCA network on the level of regional historical information science centers, their problematic issues, methodology and technological aspects. The present article analyzes the structure and dynamics of an interregional group that is the basis element of the HCA network. The author studies four traditional historical information science schools (Moscow, Minsk, Barnaul and Tambov ones) as well as their interaction. The study is carried out on the basis of an information system created by the author that includes a bibliographical and a full-text database of the HCA publications. The research method is network analysis. The author makes a conclusion about further prospects to study academic ties of researchers working within the same filed gained with the help of network analysis methods and technologies. This approach allows us to study the formation of both formal and “virtual” science group. Co-authorship data provide for tracing the advent of research centers and schools of thought, their dynamics, concentration, central figures these groups are formed around. Linking information about these groups with topical sections of the works published one can see their research interests, similarity and distinctive features.
Citations count: 1
Lemak S., Chertopolokhov V., Kruchinina A., Belousova M., Borodkin L., Mironenko M. —
Optimization of Interface Elements Order in Virtual Reality (Virtual Reconstruction of Bely Gorod Historical Relief)
// Historical informatics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 81 - 93.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2020.1.32205 URL:
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The article sets a problem focusing on how to optimize the order of 3D user interface for virtual reconstruction of Moscow historical center landscape in the 16th-18th centuries. To work with the interface a virtual reality headset, a motion tracking system and an eye-tracker were integrated. Spatial representation of the historical reconstruction is accompanied by a specialized interface that allows one to access the source database. The authors introduce a criterion that provides for estimating the optimum order of interface elements in the virtual space. The problem is handled in case there are unknown factors such as the size of user's hands, deviations in the position of an interactive object and restrictions related to the disposition of interface elements. The article sets the general problem and solves some internal problems related to the construction of acceptable multiple dispositions of interface elements and the modeling of eyesight movement from one interface element to another. The article is the first to suggest an algorithm to numerically optimize the interface in 3D virtual space modeling the relief and historical buildings in the center of Moscow. It provides for user’s movement and gives access to historical sources which are the basis for virtual reconstruction of the heritage understudy.