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«Finance and Management» (18+)

¹ 3, 2024
Published since
2012 year
Registered in Roscomnadzor
Registration number
ÝË ¹ ÔÑ 77 - 60131

The Journal "Finance and Management " had ISSN 2306-4234 and was previously called "NB: Financial Law and Management" until December 1st, 2014.

This issue is currently being formed. All articles presented on this page have already been included in this issue, are considered published, and will remain unchanged in the final version of the issue along with other metadata of the articles.
Founder: Danilenko Vasiliy Ivanovich, w.danilenko@nbpublish.com
Main editor: Degtyarev Aleksandr Nikolaevich, doktor ekonomicheskikh nauk, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, Aleks-degt@yandex.ru
On the history of financial law
P. 1 - 36
Innovations, innovative activities
P. 37 - 56
Financial politics
P. 57 - 67
P. 68 - 78
Taxation of natural persons
P. 79 - 101
Regional economy
P. 102 - 113
Financial politics
P. 114 - 133
Economic control and management
P. 134 - 150
Contents details